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Fair Work Act 2009                                                    






s.156 - 4 yearly review of modern awards


Four yearly review of modern awards





10.04 AM, WEDNESDAY, 5 APRIL 2017


Continued from 4/04/2017



VICE PRESIDENT HATCHER:  Firstly, I should note the appearance of Ms Hogg for ABI and New South Wales Business Chamber.


MS L HOGG:  Thank you.  May it please the Commission, my name is Hogg, spelt H-o-g-g, initial L, solicitor with Australian Business Lawyers and Advisors and I seek permission to appear on behalf of Australian Business Industrial and the New South Wales Business Chamber.


VICE PRESIDENT HATCHER:  I think we've already granted you, or ABI, permission to be represented by lawyers.


MS HOGG:  Thank you.


VICE PRESIDENT HATCHER:  Are there any housekeeping matters before we go to the first witness?  Mr Schmitke?


MR SCHMITKE:  Yes, your Honour, thank you.  If I could just mention two minor matters.  The first is in relation to the documents which we handed to the Commission yesterday morning.  We have circulated pdf copies of those to all parties today.  The second matter I would wish to mention is with respect to the application we foreshadowed regarding an application to have evidence taken in a restricted way.  I sent an email this morning, I don't know if it's received, to - - -


VICE PRESIDENT HATCHER:  Yes, we've seen that.


MR SCHMITKE:  Yes, thank you.  Essentially, your Honours, Commissioners, if I could make one or two very quick remarks just in relation to some background there, very quick.  There were a number of conversations I had with the witness and her employer last night.  Those conversations continued this morning and it was this morning in which I was advised that the witness would no longer wish to make themselves available with respect to their statement.  The events have occurred in the workplace, the nature of which - - -


VICE PRESIDENT HATCHER:  Mr Schmitke, you don't need to explain any of this, unless you really want to.


MR SCHMITKE:  Well, I did want to outline to the Commission that this was a witness who was wanting to provide evidence and it is, in fact, her employer and as a result of her employer's concern, that they have directed that person to - - -


MR CRAWSHAW:  I don't know whether you can hear me down there in Melbourne but we do - - -


VICE PRESIDENT HATCHER:  We certainly can.


MR CRAWSHAW:  Well, I'll try and be a bit softer then.  But it's not appropriate that the MBA advocate give evidence from the bar table about the circumstances of this unidentified witness.


VICE PRESIDENT HATCHER:  Mr Schmitke, I think all we need to know is you're that not calling a witness.


MR SCHMITKE:  Yes, the only other addition - - -


VICE PRESIDENT HATCHER:  Beyond that it's all a matter for you.


MR SCHMITKE:  I would though nonetheless, your Honour, seek to have that document marked as an exhibit and I would also seek leave to make some submissions with respect to same in our closing submissions.


VICE PRESIDENT HATCHER:  Sorry?  You want the statement marked as an exhibit?






MR SCHMITKE:  Well, on the basis that it is still a document which we would seek the Commission have regard to.  I think that the understanding that the parties have had is that notwithstanding the evidentiary objections, the Commission broadly was going to have regard to those objections and then place weight on the various evidence at the prescribed time.


VICE PRESIDENT HATCHER:  Well, that brings us back to the issue - no doubt there will be an objection about it but that brings us back to the confidentiality application, just for a start.


MR SCHMITKE:  Yes, yes.


VICE PRESIDENT HATCHER:  That is, are you tendering the document in its - - -


MR SCHMITKE:  No, I would seek that the document be tendered in its redacted form as provided and annexed to our submission.


VICE PRESIDENT HATCHER:  All right.  Well - - -


MR SCHMITKE:  Your Honour, perhaps if I could just clarify, perhaps even to benefit the CFMEU, I just seek it to be marked as an exhibit in much the same manner as any other document.  Yes, I understand that it's not a statement which is going to be attested to but it's still an exhibit, it's still a document and we'd just seek to have it marked as part of the proceedings.


VICE PRESIDENT HATCHER:  How's it to be tested?


MR SCHMITKE:  The witness won't make themselves available, your Honour, yes.


VICE PRESIDENT HATCHER:  I understand that so how is it to be tested?


MR SCHMITKE:  It isn't to be tested.  It isn't to be tested.


DEPUTY PRESIDENT HAMILTON:  I couldn't give it any weight if there's no cross-examination over its contents.


MR SCHMITKE:  That is a very good point, that's exactly right, your Honour.


DEPUTY PRESIDENT HAMILTON:  Presumably we can't give it weight because that will flatly contradict every aspect of it.


MR SCHMITKE:  My submission to the Commission would be that the Commission isn't necessarily bound by the normal rules, as we all are aware.  That said though, I would just seek that it be marked an exhibit and make the submissions at that point.  Whether the Commission provides any weight to it or not is not a matter for me, it's a matter obviously for the Commission.  I would just seek that the document be marked an exhibit.  That is essentially what I'm seeking this morning.


VICE PRESIDENT HATCHER:  Well, you're seeking a statement of an unidentified person to be marked as an exhibit.




VICE PRESIDENT HATCHER:  What's the basis for the confidentiality?


MR SCHMITKE:  Well - - -


VICE PRESIDENT HATCHER:  We have the un-redacted version has been lodged.


MR SCHMITKE:  Yes, yes.


VICE PRESIDENT HATCHER:  Why should it be treated as some sort of confidential document?


MR SCHMITKE:  Well, I'm seeking just simply the - tender it as a document in its redacted form as attached to our annexure.  I'm not seeking anything other than that.  I just seek that it be marked as an exhibit so as to enable me to make submissions with respect to it at a future point in this proceeding.


VICE PRESIDENT HATCHER:  Mr Schmitke, we won't admit the statement.


MR SCHMITKE:  Thank you, your Honour.


VICE PRESIDENT HATCHER:  Are there any other preliminary matters?  Mr Schmitke, do you or anybody else?  Mr Crawshaw?


MR CRAWSHAW:  Mr Maxwell has.


MR MAXWELL:  Your Honour, I was just going to raise that I emailed through to the Commission four documents yesterday evening that we wish to put to the MBA witnesses in Canberra and Sydney today.  I just wanted to ensure that the Full Bench has received copies of those.


VICE PRESIDENT HATCHER:  We haven't.  Yes, I think that's all been organised, Mr Maxwell.


MR MAXWELL:  Thank you, your Honour.


VICE PRESIDENT HATCHER:  Mr Schmitke, do you want to call your first witness, Robert Wilson, who should be in Canberra?


MR SCHMITKE:  Yes, I do, thank you, your Honour.  If I could call Mr Robert Wilson who's in Canberra to come forward please.


VICE PRESIDENT HATCHER:  Yes, just adjust the camera first.  Can we get a bit closer?


MR SCHMITKE:  Your Honour, I understand that the witness, have him make an affirmation.


VICE PRESIDENT HATCHER:  All right.  Administer the affirmation to the witness, please.

<ROBERT WILSON, AFFIRMED                                                    [10.12 AM]

EXAMINATION-IN-CHIEF BY MR SCHMITKE                         [10.13 AM]




MR SCHMITKE:  Thank you, your Honour.  Good morning, Mr Wilson.  Do you have a statement with you that you prepared in advance of these proceedings?‑‑‑No, I do not.


You don't have a copy of your own witness statement?‑‑‑I do have a copy of my own witness statement.


That's the document I was referring to?‑‑‑My apologies.


No, that's okay.  Could I just ask you to look at that document and confirm that that is a document with the heading Witness Statement of Robert Wilson, some 25 paragraphs long signed by you on 9 December 2016?‑‑‑That's correct.


Is there anything in that statement that you wish to change?‑‑‑No, there is not.

***        ROBERT WILSON                                                                                                                  XN MR SCHMITKE


Thank you.  If I could seek leave to have that document marked as an exhibit.


VICE PRESIDENT HATCHER:  Yes, the witness statement of Robert Wilson dated 9 December 2016 will be marked exhibit 32.



MR SCHMITKE:  Thank you, your Honour.  I've no additional matters to raise.


VICE PRESIDENT HATCHER:  Mr Crawshaw and Mr Maxwell?

CROSS-EXAMINATION BY MR MAXWELL                               [10.15 AM]


MR MAXWELL:  Thank you, your Honour.  Mr Wilson, it's Stuart Maxwell here from the CFMEU.  I wish to ask you a number of questions.  In paragraphs 4, 5 and 6 of your statements you refer to the MBA training policy towards 2020, can you see that?‑‑‑Yes, I can.


Yes.  Does that policy make any specific reference to junior rates?‑‑‑No, it does not.


Okay.  If I can take you to paragraph 12, the opening sentence begins, "In dealing with our member associations"   who are the member associations?‑‑‑The member associations of the MBA are the state and territory associations themselves, and then further to that their members of those associations are some 32,000 business in the construction industry.


But in regard to dealing with our member associations you're referring to the dealings with the state based associations of the MBA?‑‑‑Yes, and it's those state associations that make up the national training advisory committee that I look after.


Mr Wilson, are you aware that there are various work experience programs run in the various states for school students - - -?‑‑‑In terms of   just in clarification, in terms of what the MBA itself runs, or programs that are run by schools, themselves?


Programs that are run by schools themselves to provide work experience to students in the building and construction industry?‑‑‑Yes, I'm aware of those.

***        ROBERT WILSON                                                                                                                 XXN MR MAXWELL


Yes.  In paragraph 12, you refer to students undertaking the school based apprenticeship and vocational learning at Certificate II level, reaching second stage apprentice wages without possessing the associated skills expected of employers.  Are you aware that the same issue was raised in the 2012 apprentices case?‑‑‑No, I'm not.  I'm not across the 2012 case, at all.


Okay.  Do you have knowledge of the award provisions regarding apprentices?‑‑‑I would say that I have a minimal understanding.  My background is from training and in the cases sometimes that information intersects with the IR area.


So I take it that you're not aware that a specific provision was inserted into clause 15.9 to deal with the type of disputes and concerns that you raise in paragraph 12?


MR SCHMITKE:  Sorry, if I could just interrupt?‑‑‑I - - -


VICE PRESIDENT HATCHER:  No, there's an objection which I have to deal with.  Yes?


MR SCHMITKE:  It's not an objection, your Honour, it's more   I think Mr Maxwell was referring to the on site award when he's referring to a clause reference, so I'm making the assumption he is.  So if we could just clarify that please.


VICE PRESIDENT HATCHER:  So are you referring to a specific clause of the on site award, Mr Maxwell?


MR MAXWELL:  Yes.  Yes, I am, your Honour.  I'm referring to clause 15.9 of the Building and Construction General On-site Award [2010].


VICE PRESIDENT HATCHER:  Right, thank you.  Please proceed.


MR MAXWELL:  Yes - - -?‑‑‑Yes, look, I   I'm certainly not across 15.9 of the 2010 Award.

***        ROBERT WILSON                                                                                                                 XXN MR MAXWELL


And so you're not aware of any disputes being dealt with in regard to the issue as to whether a person holding a Certificate II qualification should progress to second year apprentice wage rates?‑‑‑I'm not aware of any disputes.  What I would say in answer to your question is, in terms of the work that I undertake, I find quite regularly that students who have done a (indistinct) and school qualification at a level 2, then without having done any work experience, are often on second year wages upon exiting school.


Surely that is a decision of the employer to pay those wages?‑‑‑No, not in my understanding.  My understanding is that if you earn 25 per cent of units, and this goes back to where units of competency are nested in our qualifications, from the Cert I, Cert II, Cert III and through, that you can quite easily by doing a Certificate II at a school, as a young person, upon exiting school without any experience working with an employer or working on a site, you would be deemed to be under the 25 per cent rule, a second year apprentice in terms of competency based wage progression.


And are you saying that the employers, or the members of the Master Builders Association don't believe that those people have achieved those relevant competencies?‑‑‑No, I'm not saying   I'm not saying that at all.  What I'm saying is that in my experience and from what I have heard, is that we have a gap in terms of students earning units of competency, being awarded those units of competency and not having the necessary experience that actually goes with those units of competency.  So what I'm saying is, students are being signed off too quickly, too easily, by some RTO's, many of those RTO's being schools, and the expectation of having a certain skill level is not there when young people are being deemed to be having achieved their 25 per cent.  So there is a mismatch between schools and RTO's ticking and flicking, in some cases, and actually having the skills that employers would see those students should have.


But if the award made reference to people being required to meet the minimum necessary work experience requirements, would that address the concern you've just raised?‑‑‑We   the units of competency that's set in the qualifications actually outline that already.  The issue is one of, as I've just mentioned, that RTO's in terms of the way funding works in the national training system, RTO's are very quick to sign off young people in terms of their units of competency because it then attracts a payment to those RTO's.  What we are finding is that those people are being ticked off far too quickly and when they are tested on work sites, as an example, and as stated in those units of competency, they cannot actually undertake those tasks in a variety of settings and therefore ultimately they are not really competent as they have been signed off.

***        ROBERT WILSON                                                                                                                 XXN MR MAXWELL


You're talking about requirements of the training system but you're not aware that the competency based wage progression in the award allows employers to challenge whether an apprentice has actually met the requirements expected of the employer?‑‑‑The   in most cases when we're talking about, and I'm talking at the moment specifically about students in school situations undertaking a Certificate II, they are leaving schools with those Certificate II long before they go anywhere near an employer.  Then when they enrol in a   post schooling, when young people enrol in a Certificate III in carpentry, as an example, those units, because they're already in the Certificate III, they already actually have those units and RTO's are then   are bound to talk to those students as to what units of competency and qualifications they already have existing.  So automatically, what I'm saying, is those students, without having worked on a site, without spending time on a site, are actually   under the competency based wage progression, are actually at   are actually at second year wages when you match that back to what's in the award.


Your Honour, I wonder if the witness can be shown the copy of the Building and Construction General On-site Award?


VICE PRESIDENT HATCHER:  All right, so Mr Wilson, can you - - -


MR MAXWELL:  Sorry, your Honour, I withdraw that.  I just understand that Mr Wilson is in Canberra and not in Melbourne.


VICE PRESIDENT HATCHER:  Just hold on.  Mr Wilson, that document should be somewhere in your vicinity, can you see it?‑‑‑Your Honour, which   which document am I looking for?


We're looking for a copy of the Building and Construction General On-site Award.  Is that anywhere around?‑‑‑The only document I've got   let me just see.  I've got a pile of documents here.  I've still got some in there but it's titled, "Congestion & Reliability Summary."  Underneath that I do have a Joinery & Building Trades Award [2010].  They are the only two documents I have here.


MR MAXWELL:  Is your Honour - - -


MR SCHMITKE:  Your Honour, which award was it that Mr Maxwell - - -




MR SCHMITKE:  Okay, so that was not a copy circulated to the parties yesterday, or to the Commission.  Mr Maxwell only circulated Joinery Building Trades - the National Joinery & Building Trades Award.


VICE PRESIDENT HATCHER:  Yes, so we don't have that, Mr Maxwell.


MR MAXWELL:  Yes, your Honour, that's what I was going to just say.

***        ROBERT WILSON                                                                                                                 XXN MR MAXWELL




MR MAXWELL:  So I won't press that issue.  Mr Wilson, would you agree that the building and construction industry has the highest full time employment of 15 to 24 year olds, compared to all industries?‑‑‑Yes, I would.  That is research we did in 2014.


And that's backed up by figures from the ABS, and NCVR?‑‑‑Certainly I looked at NCVR figures.  In terms of the ABS figures they were provided to me by our chief economist at the time.


And do you agree that there are more 15 to 19 year olds employed full time in the building and construction industry than any other industry?‑‑‑Based on the information given to me by our chief economist at the time, I would say that is correct.


I have no further questions of the witness.


VICE PRESIDENT HATCHER:  Is there any other person who wishes to cross-examine this witness?  No?  Any re-examination, Mr Schmitke?


MR SCHMITKE:  No, thank you, your Honour.


VICE PRESIDENT HATCHER:  All right, thank you for your evidence, Mr Wilson.  You're excused and you're now free to leave?‑‑‑Thank you, your Honour.

<THE WITNESS WITHDREW                                                          [10.27 AM]


VICE PRESIDENT HATCHER:  So the next witness is Mr Spence?


MR SCHMITKE:  Yes, that's right, your Honour.


VICE PRESIDENT HATCHER:  And he's in Canberra too?


MR SCHMITKE:  Yes, he is.

***        ROBERT WILSON                                                                                                                 XXN MR MAXWELL


VICE PRESIDENT HATCHER:  Yes, Mr Spence, can you come forward to the witness box please?  Do you have a copy of your witness statement with you?


MR SPENCE:  Might I just check the documents on the bench, Commissioner?


VICE PRESIDENT HATCHER:  All right.  Mr Schmitke, did Mr Spence bring a copy of his witness statement with him?


MR SCHMITKE:  We asked him to do so, your Honour.


VICE PRESIDENT HATCHER:  I'm not sure if - - -


Mr SPENCE:  I do have a copy with me, your Honour.  It's not been put in the witness box but I do have a copy I brought with me.


VICE PRESIDENT HATCHER:  Yes, well can you go and get that please?




VICE PRESIDENT HATCHER:  Yes, all right, well - - -


MR SCHMITKE:  May it please your Honour.


VICE PRESIDENT HATCHER:  Yes, all right, well you just stay standing and we'll administer the affirmation to you now.

<CAMERON BENEDICT SPENCE, AFFIRMED                          [10.29 AM]

EXAMINATION-IN-CHIEF BY MR SCHMITKE                         [10.29 AM]


MR SCHMITKE:  Mr Spence, good morning.  You've just obtained a copy of your statement, so can I just confirm that that is a statement with the words at the top, "Cameron Benedict Spence", and that - - -?‑‑‑That is the case.


And that document is 36 paragraphs long?‑‑‑Yes.


And signed by you on 9 December 2016?‑‑‑Yes, that is the case.

***        CAMERON BENEDICT SPENCE                                                                                            XN MR SCHMITKE


Thank you.  If I could seek then to have that document tendered and marked as an exhibit.


VICE PRESIDENT HATCHER:  Yes, the statement of Cameron Benedict Spence dated 9 December 2016 will be marked exhibit 33.



MR SCHMITKE:  I've no additional questions, your Honour.



CROSS-EXAMINATION BY MR MAXWELL                               [10.30 AM]


MR MAXWELL:  Thank you, your Honour.  Mr Spence, in paragraph 2 of your statement you refer to your previous role in private practice.  How long were you engaged in that role?‑‑‑Just under four years in civil law, a few years in criminal law before that.


Yes, and when was that?‑‑‑That would have been approximately 2013 to   sorry, late   mid to late   mid 2012 to early 2016.


You refer in paragraph 2 to industrial relations advice pertaining to the building and construction industry?‑‑‑Yes.


What type of advice was that?‑‑‑Many of my   I worked as a construction worker, essentially.  Many of my clients were building companies, so the advice was advice arising out of questions coming from the award   payments, classifications of employees, redundancy entitlements, rostered days off, payment   and general payment queries, I think, largely.


In paragraph 17 of your statement you refer to instances where members have expressed a desire for the option of time off in lieu?‑‑‑Yes.


How many instances can you recollect have occurred in the last month?‑‑‑In the last month, none in the last calendar month that I can recall.


What about the last six months?‑‑‑It'd be maybe four, five.

***        CAMERON BENEDICT SPENCE                                                                                          XXN MR MAXWELL


And the last twelve months?‑‑‑Look, eight or nine.


VICE PRESIDENT HATCHER:  So Mr Spence, when you say you've been made aware that employees of some members would like to have an option to take time off in lieu, so how did you become aware of that?  Was through members asking you?‑‑‑EBA negotiations, largely.


Yes.  Right?‑‑‑Helping   yes, or even discussions with a member where they'd be seeking clarification on an issue in the award, or further to that, discussions about the pro's and cons of entering an enterprise bargaining agreement and whether   what kind of arrangements would be possible under that   under that instrument.


So in both contexts it's members communicating to you that their employees had requested an option to take time off in lieu in various circumstances, is that - - -?‑‑‑Not just   no.  No, not just members.  There have been occasions where I've spoken to the workforce, as well, and that's not uncommon, and those queries have been raised, that could time off in lieu be taken.


Right, thank you.


MR MAXWELL:  And Mr Spence, what type of businesses did you receive these inquiries from?‑‑‑All manner of businesses in the construction industry, head contractors, subcontractors, down to painters, plumbers   yes, a wide variety.


So how many had contractors that you received - - -?‑‑‑I couldn't tell you an exact number, three or four maybe.


Would you agree that a program against scheduling of work is critical to the successful construction project?‑‑‑I think if I   I don't know what's critical to a successful construction project.  I imagine lots of things are, and that would be one of them, yes.


And based on your experience in the industry since March 2016, who dictates the hours of work on a construction site?‑‑‑It depends, frankly.  If the company is a party to an EBA then the CFMEU often dictates the hours on a construction site.

***        CAMERON BENEDICT SPENCE                                                                                          XXN MR MAXWELL


Well, putting aside the CFMEU, in regard to the employers on a construction site, is it the head contractor that normally sets the hours of work on the site?‑‑‑Honestly, that's a variable.  It will depend on the subcontractors they can get at a time, rain delays, things of that nature can also impact a timetable, so no, I don't think it solely rests with their contractors.  If that is the question you're asking, does it solely rest with the head contractor.  I should say, is that the question you're asking though?


Yes?‑‑‑Then the answer would be no.  It could rest with the union, it could rest with rain delays, it could rest with availability of subcontractors.


Well, you're aware of the recent discussions about the light rail project in Canberra?‑‑‑I am.


And how are the hours of work, or the opening hours of that site determined?‑‑‑I don't know, precisely.


So if Lendlease were doing a construction project in the Act, would Lendlease dictate on what hours that site would open?‑‑‑I don't know.


If GL Con(?) were doing a construction project in the Act would GL Con set the hours of work on that construction site?‑‑‑I don't know.


MR SCHMITKE:  Your Honour, if I could just raise an objection here.  I know the witness has just answered that question but Mr Spence is being asked to address hypotheticals and his earlier evidence was that he didn't necessarily know or that there was a variable - - -


VICE PRESIDENT HATCHER:  So they didn't what?


MR SCHMITKE:  His earlier evidence was that he didn't necessarily   wasn't aware of, or explained that there could be a number of variable with respect to the way in which hours of work are set.  Now Mr Maxwell is putting to him some hypotheticals but I don't understand how he can possibly even answer these questions.


VICE PRESIDENT HATCHER:  I'm sure if he doesn't know the answer, he'll say so.  Yes, just proceed, Mr Maxwell.


MR SCHMITKE:  Yes.  Mr Spence, would you agree that in general, subcontractors and their employees have to conform to the hours of work set by the head contractor on a construction site?‑‑‑Again, I don't know.  I couldn't   I don't know the answer to that question.

***        CAMERON BENEDICT SPENCE                                                                                          XXN MR MAXWELL


In paragraph 21 of your statement you refer to the RDOs as industry RDOs or lockdown weekends.  Can you see that?‑‑‑If I may have a moment, counsel.  Yes.  Yes.


Now they are not the same thing though, are they?‑‑‑Well, to all intents and purposes, they were up until very recently.  Industry RDOs were formally, up until quite recently, agreed often in EBAs between the Master Builders Association and the ACT branch of the construction union.  That's no longer the case, but that is what was referred to as industry RDOs.  Now those RDOs were contained for the most part in enterprise bargaining agreements that stipulated lockdown weekends, the weekends - work was not to occur on weekends around public holidays where the CFMEU, previously in agreement with Master Builders, had made a calendar that it would be agreed that work would not continue on the sites at those times.  So with respect, I think they are essentially, in industry understanding, the same thing.


Your Honour, can Mr Spence be shown a copy of the 2017 ACT RDO calendar put out by the CFMEU?‑‑‑I have that.


VICE PRESIDENT HATCHER:  Yes, all right, thank you?‑‑‑Okay.


MR MAXWELL:  You'll see at the bottom that there is an explanation of the colouring in the projects and that the 38 - - -?‑‑‑Regrettably   sorry, I should interject.  This copy I have in front of me is in black and white, so I can't make any of that out.  I have seen a copy of this previously and I'm aware of the colouring you're referring to, but the document in front of me does not contain that.


VICE PRESIDENT HATCHER:  All right, Mr Maxwell, so you'll have to do that best you can.


MR MAXWELL:  Yes.  Mr Spence, looking at the calendar, do you accept that the 38 hour week RDOs are, looking at the dates, 20 February, 14 March, 18 April, 24 April, 22 May, 13 June, 10 July, 14 August, 11 September, 3 October, 6 November and 27 December?‑‑‑Yes, honestly I can't make that out on the copy in front of me.  I can accept that what you're telling me is most likely correct, based on my previous experience and I   I think what you're telling me is accurate, but to strictly answer the question on the document in front of me, I can't make that out on this document.  They're just   the colours are   I can see that those things are shaded in but it's very difficult to determine what the shading is.  Because I know from my previous experience that they're different colours, right?  The 36 hour   on the colour document you may be looking at - - -

***        CAMERON BENEDICT SPENCE                                                                                          XXN MR MAXWELL


VICE PRESIDENT HATCHER:  Mr Maxwell, do you want him - - -?‑‑‑The 36 hour RDO is blue.


Mr Maxwell, do you want him to assume that those are the dates for the purpose of any further questioning?  Otherwise the document just speaks for itself, doesn't it?


MR MAXWELL:  It does.  Well, if you can assume that those days are correct, Mr Spence - - -?‑‑‑Yes.


On those days that are identified the majority of those days were Monday, and would you agree that those days generally conform with clause 33.1(a)(1) of the award?‑‑‑I don't have a copy of the award in front of me, Mr Maxwell.


In paragraph 22 of your statement you refer to clause 33.1(a)(1), can you find that?‑‑‑I can.  I can see the paragraph 22 of my statement, yes.


Yes, and can you just read that to yourself so you get a proper understanding of it?‑‑‑Yes.


And do you accept that the 38 hour week RDOs that I just identified in the calendar conform with clause 33.1(a)(2), in that they're taken on the fourth Monday in each four week cycle, except where it falls on a public holiday?‑‑‑Yes, I can accept that.


VICE PRESIDENT HATCHER:  So why are there two in April then?‑‑‑I think it's two public holidays, Commissioner, if I may interrupt.


MR MAXWELL:  Your Honour, that's taken for the   I suppose for the convenience of industry, so that there is - - -


VICE PRESIDENT HATCHER:  They coincide with Easter and Anzac Day.


MR MAXWELL:  Yes, so there's lockdown periods (indistinct) is - - -


VICE PRESIDENT HATCHER:  And by the way, Mr Maxwell, there's not a majority there's six.  And I think you missed out on 27 January.  I don't recall you saying that one.

***        CAMERON BENEDICT SPENCE                                                                                          XXN MR MAXWELL


MR MAXWELL:  I stand corrected but the 27 January - - -


VICE PRESIDENT HATCHER:  Mr Maxwell, what's the point of this question?  I don't understand the point.


MR MAXWELL:  Well - - -


VICE PRESIDENT HATCHER:  What relevance has this got to this case?


MR MAXWELL:  Your Honour, if you look at paragraph 22 of Mr Spence's statement he refers to clause 33.1(a)(1) and the   Mr Spence in paragraph 26 is seeking to support the deletion of any reference to the nominated industry rostered day off, and clearly from the RDO calendars that are produced the nominated industry rostered day off is the days arranged in accordance with clause 33(a)(1).


VICE PRESIDENT HATCHER:  I'm sorry, Mr Maxwell, I thought your question was going to the distinction between an RDO a lockdown weekend and them not being the same thing.  It's true that   I mean, just looking at the calendar the lockdown weekends are sometimes   well, they coincide with some RDOs but they don't coincide with all of them.  So that they seem to correlate, and based on my memory of having negotiated many a calendar over the years, they coincide with public holidays.


MR MAXWELL:  Yes, your Honour.  The lockdown weekends do - sorry, the RDOs on the lockdown weekends normally do work in conjunction with the public holidays.




MR MAXWELL:  If I can take you to paragraph 34 of your statement, Mr Spence.


VICE PRESIDENT HATCHER:  Mr Maxwell, do you want us to mark that calendar?


MR MAXWELL:  Sorry, your Honour, yes, if we could please.

***        CAMERON BENEDICT SPENCE                                                                                          XXN MR MAXWELL


VICE PRESIDENT HATCHER:  All right, so the 2017 ACT RDOs calendar will be marked exhibit 34.



MR MAXWELL:  Mr Spence, in paragraph 34 of your statement   can you see that - - -?‑‑‑I can, yes.


You refer to clause 33.1(a)(2)?‑‑‑Yes.


Now you would agree that the award already allows employers and employees to agree on a substituted RDO?‑‑‑It does, yes.


So if I can take you back - - -?‑‑‑Again, sorry, I don't have a copy of the award in front of me.  I know that but I can't remember the exact wording.


If I could take you back to clause 29 where you - - -?‑‑‑To 25?


No, clause 29?‑‑‑Okay, clause 29, I don't follow you.


VICE PRESIDENT HATCHER:  Of his statement, is that what you're referring to?‑‑‑Paragraph 29?  Sorry.


MR MAXWELL:  Sorry.  Sorry, I withdraw that.  If I can take you to paragraph 29 of your statement?‑‑‑Yes.


And you identify that the majority of employees may agree for an RDO to be taken at a more suitable time to the parties?‑‑‑Yes.


Would you agree that that's already catered for, to a degree, by clause 33.1(a)(2)?‑‑‑I can't answer that without reading the clause, to be honest.  They're complex clauses.  I've read them a number of times.  But to answer your question I would want to read clause 31.1(a)(2).

***        CAMERON BENEDICT SPENCE                                                                                          XXN MR MAXWELL


VICE PRESIDENT HATCHER:  Mr Spence, can I ask you this question, in relation to that point, that is that you   sorry, the point you make in paragraph 28 where you say that you regularly receive calls from members asking if there was a restriction in negotiation of RDOs, are you able to tell me how many of those calls are from employers who are covered by an enterprise agreement, and those that are solely covered by an award?‑‑‑No.  Honestly, Commissioner, I couldn't   I couldn't say how many of what are which in that.


Right?‑‑‑It's   I can say many employers are covered by the 2013 CFMEU pattern enterprise bargaining agreement in the ACT but there are also many on the award, so I'm no, I'm sorry.  I'd be prevaricating.  I can't answer that.


All right.  Because again, as I said, in my knowledge of a number of enterprise agreements in the industry, not just in the ACT, that there are different provisions relating to work on RDOs when compared to the award?‑‑‑Absolutely, and the CFMEU pattern EBA is very different to the award.  It essentially grants 26 RDOs in the calendar year, as opposed to 13 under the award and that's by virtue of working a 36 hour week, where 40 actual hours of work are performed and four hours accrue per week, which is twice the amount under the award.  So there is a hugely substantial difference and obviously any advice I give to my members is based on whether that   what instrument covers their employment arrangements.


And that calendar that you have in front of you is the calendar which pertains to the combination of RDOs that are set out in agreements and the award?‑‑‑That's right.


Yes?‑‑‑What   sorry, Commissioner.  Sorry.


Yes, that   that's right but   yes, that's fine?‑‑‑Well, this calendar in front of me, Commissioner, to answer that question, I believe this calendar is   my understanding is that it's the union's attempt to cover both, so the 38 hour week RDO that's indicated there, is the one that arises under the award, that's right.


Yes?‑‑‑And the 36 hour week RDO is the one that arises from clause 23 of the pattern EBA, the CFMEU EBA, or   yes, I think it's clause 41 in the older EBAs - - -


Yes?‑‑‑Which is still in place.  But the way that clause operates in practice, is that the 26 RDOs essentially accrue and the Saturdays are cashed   the extra RDOs are cashed out to be taken on the Saturdays of long   of lockdown weekends.

***        CAMERON BENEDICT SPENCE                                                                                          XXN MR MAXWELL


Yes.  And that's   hence the extra number, where it does work out to around 20 RDOs actually paid out.  And sorry, I should also say, I understand the union for this year has put in the 38 hour week RDO versus the 38[sic] hour week RDO to show the difference to, presumably their members, to show the difference in the comparative advantages of having   being covered by one instrument as opposed to another.


MR MAXWELL:  Mr Spence, I was just taking you to clause 33.1(a)(2)?‑‑‑Yes.


And you were saying that it's fairly complex.  Perhaps if I can just read it to you, it's only very short:


33.1(a)(2) of the award provides agreement on alternate RDOs, where an employer and a majority of employees at an enterprise agree another day may be substituted for the nominated industry rostered day off.


That's all it states?‑‑‑Yes.


So would you agree that the issue you raised in paragraph 29 of your statement is to a degree, already catered for under the award?‑‑‑Yes.  Yes.


VICE PRESIDENT HATCHER:  Mr Spence, is the problem that you're referring to that you don't get this agreement very often, is that the problem?‑‑‑Yes.


MR MAXWELL:  Mr Spence, now I know you've only been working in the building and construction industry for a relatively short period but are you aware of the history of the introduction of the 38 hour week and RDOs?‑‑‑Look, very roughly, not in great detail.


So do you know why the 38 hour week was introduced, what the reasons were?‑‑‑No.  No, I couldn't recite them to you.


VICE PRESIDENT HATCHER:  That's a very broad question, Mr Maxwell, we could be here for ever on such an issue.


MR MAXWELL:  I was introducing (indistinct).


SPEAKER:  It goes back to the Harvester case.


VICE PRESIDENT HATCHER:  Ordinary working hours.  I mean, really - - -


MR MAXWELL:  Well - - -

***        CAMERON BENEDICT SPENCE                                                                                          XXN MR MAXWELL


VICE PRESIDENT HATCHER:  Well, was there some special reason discrete to construction that you want to put to the witness?


MR MAXWELL:  Your Honour, I was just trying to find out whether the witness was aware of the history and whether he knew whether   sorry, Mr Spence, do you know why the banking of RDOs was introduced for workers on distant jobs?‑‑‑Sorry, can you repeat the question please, Mr Maxwell?


Do you know why the banking of RDOs was introduced for workers on distant jobs?


VICE PRESIDENT HATCHER:  Distant jobs?‑‑‑No, I don't know for certain, Mr Maxwell.


MR MAXWELL:  Yes.  And how many - - -?‑‑‑I could guess but I don't think that's what you're asking me.


How many members of the MBA ACT work on distant jobs?‑‑‑I couldn't possibly carry that information in my head, Mr Maxwell.  It would be a significant number.


Well, how - - -?‑‑‑In fact, it's quite common in the ACT.  Many of our members work as far afield as Wollongong, Nowra, Bega.  The areas surround the ACT are largely very small regional areas, as I'm sure you're aware, so I've had many conversations with members where it's not uncommon for work to be carried out in the far south coast, down as far south as Merimbula, Nowra, Cooma, Eden, Bega, Queanbeyan, commonly.  These are areas without much business in them if I can just put it in such a blunt term, and often our members will carry out work at distance.  It would be a   it would   I don't pretend to know the number in my head but it would be a very significant number.


If I can take you to paragraph 34 - - -?‑‑‑Yes.


There you're referring to   where you refer to this clause fails, you're referring to clause 33.1(a)(iv), is that correct?‑‑‑No.  The clause I think I'm referring to there is 33.1(a)(vi).  You'll see this clause at the start of paragraph 34, that this refers to the clause above it in paragraph 33.


Sorry, I - - -?‑‑‑And from memory, again I don't have the award in front of me, but from memory subparagraph 6 is essentially the cashing out award   the cashing out clause, if I can put it in that term.

***        CAMERON BENEDICT SPENCE                                                                                          XXN MR MAXWELL


I stand mistaken.  I think it's more my reading of the roman numerals rather than   so in paragraph 34, you're referring to clause 33.1(a)(6)?‑‑‑When I say, "this clause fails", yes.  The "this" refers to 33.1(a)(vi).


And in paragraph 34, you say, "This clause fails to recognise the ability that employers and employees to agree on a substitute RDO"?‑‑‑Yes.


But that's incorrect, isn't it?‑‑‑No, I don't believe so.


Perhaps I - - -?‑‑‑And, look, again I'm doing this from memory but clause   subparagraph 6 only is   is only enlivened when it's required by the employer, so it's essentially   my understanding is it's an extrinsic requirement clause.  There's a necessary requirement.  That's not the same as agreement between workers and employers.


Well - - -?‑‑‑It's   the way subparagraph 6 operates, from memory, is that the employer actually must request it.  There's no scope in that clause for the employees to bargain, essentially.


Well - - -


MR SCHMITKE:  Your Honour, I might   perhaps if Mr Maxwell could just perhaps read the provisions of that clause to Mr Spence so that he has the wording more clearly defined.


MR MAXWELL:  I was just about - - -


VICE PRESIDENT HATCHER:  I'm not sure that's going to help.


MR SCHMITKE:  He doesn't have the benefit of the instrument?‑‑‑It's not going to help.


VICE PRESIDENT HATCHER:  I'm not sure it's going to help.


MR MAXWELL:  Mr Spence, the opening words of clause 33.1(a)(vi) states the following:

***        CAMERON BENEDICT SPENCE                                                                                          XXN MR MAXWELL


Except where agreement has been reached in accordance with clause 33.1(a)(ii) and 33.1(a)(iii).


So do you accept now that clause 33.1(a)(vi) recognises the ability of employers and employees to agree on a substituted RDO?‑‑‑No, I don't accept that, Mr Maxwell.  The words you read out at the start of subparagraph   clause 33.1(a)(vi), they are simply referring back to earlier clauses in the award.  The gravamen or the heart of 33.1(a)(vi) is further down, which you did not read, which states, "When an employee seeks the banking of RDOs they seek the extra"   I can't recall the actual formulation of the words but that is the condition imperative of that clause of the award coming into effect.  You'll see it about half way through the wording of that clause.


MR SCHMITKE:  Yes, again, your Honours, Commissioners, it may well benefit if Mr Maxwell read the entire clause out.  I mean, the point Mr Spence is making here, I think, is relevant.  Mr Maxwell has read out only a part of that clause and it creates an impression.  That's not the full clause.


VICE PRESIDENT HATCHER:  Just hold on a second while I - - -


MR MAXWELL:  Mr Spence - - -


VICE PRESIDENT HATCHER:  Just hold on, I just want to read this for myself because I'm not following this.  So Mr Spence, firstly there's the capacity for the employer and a  majority of employees to agree to have a substituted RDO, which means that they can work on the industry RDO, is that right?‑‑‑Sorry, can you repeat the question please, your Honour?


I'm just trying to understand how these clauses work.  First of all, there's a capacity for the employer and a majority of employees at the enterprise to agree on a substituted RDO, which means - - -?‑‑‑Yes, that's earlier on in the award 33.1(a)(i).


Which means that if that happens work can be performed on the industry RDO and as a substituted RDO.  Is that right, Mr Spence?‑‑‑I'm not sure, your Honour.  I'd want to read the award to be honest.


MR SCHMITKE:  Your Honour, that is in relation to distant work.

***        CAMERON BENEDICT SPENCE                                                                                          XXN MR MAXWELL


VICE PRESIDENT HATCHER:  That's distant work?‑‑‑Yes.  And that's - thank you for whoever said that, that's right.  It's limited to that class of employees who might have a company as we - - -


SPEAKER:  No, no, (ii) is distant work.




SPEAKER:  That's not distant work, (iii) is distant work.


THE WITNESS:  I think (ii) is just an agreement and again I'm going from memory but (ii) is an agreement to give rise to an - - -


VICE PRESIDENT HATCHER:  That's why I said - let's talk just one at a time.  33.1(a)(ii) as I understand it says that the employer and the majority of employees may agree to have a substituted RDO which would mean that if such an agreement is reached work can be performed on the industry RDO.  Is that - - -?‑‑‑Yes, that is the case.


And then - - -?‑‑‑And the industry RDO is the Monday that's set out - the Monday, the 4th Monday except for where it's a public holiday.


Then in addition under 33.1(a)(vi), if there's no agreement nonetheless you can have a substituted RDO where it's required by the employer and the conditions are met, that is to allow other employees to be employed productively to carry out out of hours maintenance or in the case of unforeseen delays to a project or a section of it.  Is that right?‑‑‑Yes, that's right.


So what's the problem?‑‑‑Well, as I understand it, Mr Maxwell was saying that there exists a power beyond. 33.1(a)(vi) created some type of ability for an agreement to be reached, but it's not that at all in practice.


Don't worry about what Mr Maxwell's problem is.  What's your problem with how those two provisions interact?‑‑‑I don't know that I have a problem with it necessarily, Commissioner.


I thought you - I'm just looking at paragraph 34 of your statement, I'm just trying to understand what the point is?‑‑‑May I just have a moment, Commissioner?

***        CAMERON BENEDICT SPENCE                                                                                          XXN MR MAXWELL


Sure?‑‑‑So what I'm saying is under clause 31.1(a)(ii), they can come to an agreement.  31.1(a)(vi) fails to recognise that -


Which in practice should have the effect that if necessary work is undertaken on the RDO that is it substitute of an agreement, employees be paid at ordinary rate.


Sorry, it's the ordinary rate.  So subsection (vi) attracts Saturday penalty rates at a minimum.


Right?‑‑‑In fact it's arguable that you may have to be - you may get rates in addition to the Saturday penalty rates, which is I think an unnecessary impost on my members.  It should just be flexible as per - as is envisaged in 33.1(a)(ii).  But it can operate in practice as a bit of a trap in that 33.1(a)(vi) is only enlivened when there's this requirement you see set out in the wording there.


So is the point that if you do it by agreement the substituted - if you have a substituted day by agreement you work on the industry day, you get paid ordinary rates?‑‑‑Yes.


But under 33.1(a)(vi) that may not be the case?‑‑‑That's right.


That's the point?‑‑‑It's not the case.


MR SCHMITKE:  Your Honour, if I might - I'm loathe to interject here, there's a difference in the phrasing in those two clauses.  One's talking about nominated industry roster days off at 33.1(a)(ii) and the second subclause 33.1(a)(vi) talks about prescribed rostered days off.


VICE PRESIDENT HATCHER:  What's the difference?


MR SCHMITKE:  Well, the difference is that the award sets out an RDO system which talks about cycles, four weekly cycles and it falling on the fourth Monday in a four weekly cycle.  It doesn't specify when that cycle starts.  The RDOs fall on - well the industry RDOs are determined with reference to this calendar.


VICE PRESIDENT HATCHER:  Which is given effect to enterprise agreements, not the award.

***        CAMERON BENEDICT SPENCE                                                                                          XXN MR MAXWELL


MR SCHMITKE:  That is the question or a matter I was going to put to the witness in re-examination.


VICE PRESIDENT HATCHER:  So when the clause to nominated industry rostered day off is that given a definition in the award somewhere?


MR SCHMITKE:  It isn't.




MR SCHMITKE:  It's not.




DEPUTY PRESIDENT GOSTENCNIK:  Mr Spence, RDOs which you refer to industry RDOs, are those - I know you don't have a - you don't have a coloured calendar in front of you but those are the ones that designated as a 38 hour week RDOs.  Is that right?‑‑‑Sorry, can you repeat the question please Mr Maxwell?


When you refer to industry RDOs, you're referring to the 38 hour week RDO.  Is that right?‑‑‑I don't know, I didn't draft this calendar.


No, no, when you use - - -?‑‑‑I believe that's the case.


When you use the term industry RDO are you referring to the 38 hour week calendar RDO?‑‑‑Well, I'm just referring to the award.  They talk about a nominated industry RDO which is not I think really the case, I think that wording is a misnomer.  It's an RDO stipulated by the award.


Well - - -


DEPUTY PRESIDENT HAMILTON:  Is the point - sorry.



***        CAMERON BENEDICT SPENCE                                                                                          XXN MR MAXWELL


DEPUTY PRESIDENT HAMILTON:  Is the point you're trying to make, and I'm not sure I follow, this that there is provision for agreement in the award but it is circumscribed by a number of conditions. First of all a majority agreement and a reference to nominated and secondly by agreement that it refers to prescribed, it also provides for penalty rates and also has conditions.  Are you suggesting it simply should be by agreement without any of those additional provisions.  Is that what you're saying?‑‑‑I'm saying it should be more simple and more flexible.  I have looked at the proposed wording my colleagues and the national office have made but I'm am not 100 per cent familiar with it.  I have seen it.  I know that proposed wording arises from the National Industrial Relations Advisory Committee which I represent the ACT Master Builders Association in, where we meet and we discuss, and that is essentially the thrust of the thing is flexibility, yes, if I can put it bluntly like that.  That's the thrust of the submission.


DEPUTY PRESIDENT GOSTENCNIK:  So what you're saying is that all the pre-conditions I mentioned should be removed and simply by agreement either with the majority or by individual employees.  Is that what you're saying?‑‑‑Again, I defer to the proposed wording my colleagues in the national office have put before, but we want greater flexibility essentially.  We believe this is needlessly - pardon me, your Honour - Master Builders ACT definitely believes that this is needlessly prolix and prescriptive and confusing when we advising our members.


VICE PRESIDENT HATCHER:  Mr Spence, this calendar does that have any application or practical operation in what's called I think cottage or just plain house building?‑‑‑In the residential sector?


Yes, in the small scale residential sector?‑‑‑It would depend.  It would depend if the residential builder was a member of the CFMEU or if enough of their staff were members anecdotally and traditionally and just speaking - - -


DEPUTY PRESIDENT GOSTENCNIK:  Sorry, Mr Spence you mean whether a builder had an enterprise agreement, because correct me if I'm wrong - - -?‑‑‑Yes.


- - - the only - the calendar in and of itself has no legal force and effect except where there's an agreement?‑‑‑No, that's right.


An enterprise agreement?‑‑‑That's right, yes.  It's a reflection - the 36 hour week RDO lock down weekends are a reflection of the union - - -

***        CAMERON BENEDICT SPENCE                                                                                          XXN MR MAXWELL


And the programming of the RDOs in the calendar, particularly the 38 hour week RDOs bear little resemblance to the award provision.  They are determined by reference to the EBA.  So for example, an RDO - the award prescribes that RDOs will be taken in a 20 day cycle and they'll occur on the fourth Monday, except where there's a public holiday.  Well, plainly that's not the pattern, so that the first RDO occurs on a Friday coinciding with the day after Australia Day?‑‑‑Yes.


The second occurs on a Monday, the third occurs on a Tuesday because it's a - Monday's a public holiday again coinciding with a public holiday, but only three weeks after the first.  So it's not the pattern prescribed in the award.  So how much flexibility can an award turn bring about when industry players are in effect agreeing to an enterprise agreement which contains I think the very inflexibilities about which you complain?‑‑‑Well, we don't support these inflexibilities, we don't support lock down weekends and we certainly don't encourage our members to sign an EBA that contains lock down weekends.  I mean they're free to do so of course but it's got inherent commercial risks given the new tendering code, but just beyond that there are productivity questions.  The sites are locked for the entirety of these long weekends, regardless of the fact that other costs still accrue like fencing and things of this nature.  I think to answer - well, correct me if I'm wrong, your Honour, but I think to answer your question there is inflexibility in the current award around banking and cashing out RDOs, they happen under very prescribed circumstances.  A lot of the feedback I've got, both from my members and their employees on many occasions when I've gone out and talked to their workforces is that they would welcome this. They would welcome the ability to bank more RDOs, to have potentially an extra 13 days as a block at the end of the year if they wanted to go overseas.  I've had that example raised.  I've also had the example raised of childcare commitments where people would rather take - be free to choose when they take their RDOs and not be so prescribed.  So the feedback I constantly get from the membership and many of their employees is that they would greatly welcome much more flexibility around how RDOs could be taken, when they be free to be cashed out as in agreement with the employer, free to be banked as in agreement with the employer and free to be taken - free to be taken.

***        CAMERON BENEDICT SPENCE                                                                                          XXN MR MAXWELL


Sorry, accepting all of that for a moment, the question really that I have amounts to this, that let's assume all of the flexibilities were introduced that you seek into the award and they benefited award only reliant employers and employees, when those employers and employees come to work on a construction site where the principal contractor for example is covered by an enterprise agreement to which this calendar applies, the fact of the matter is, is it not, that the site will work in accordance with the calendar, so it doesn't really matter what the award reliant employer wants to do.  They won't be able to work on that site on that day if it's a lock down weekend or an RDO.  Isn't that the case?‑‑‑That's a bit of a movable feast to be honest, Commissioner - your Honour.  Yes, that is partly true, so that's right what you say if a head contractor was under a lock down weekend or enough subcontractors were under EBAs, sorry, that contained lock down weekends.  It is the case that regardless of what an employee may want, if they're governed by those instructions they're going to be, pardon the pun, locked in to the lock down weekends.  That's right.  In practice, in reality in Canberra that's less and less.  Many head contractors are just ignoring the EBA and opening up on lock down weekends.  The new tendering code put forward by the ABCC has had a great impact in this area, it's been publicised recently that EBAs containing lock down weekends will not be code compliant.  So it plays out, I think to be blunt, it plays out a lot more differently on the ground.  I'm sure there are many sites open where they're supposed to be subject to a lock down weekend but aren't.


DEPUTY PRESIDENT HAMILTON:  Sorry, Mr Spence, these provisions seem somewhat complex.  There's nominated RDOs, there's prescribed RDOs, there's two systems of agreement which contain different conditions.  Are you saying that there's scope for more - a less complex award, and secondly what people do with agreements is another matter entirely?  Is that what you're saying?‑‑‑More or less yes, that's right. There is - I think there's a huge - there is definitely a strong wish for a less complex award in many - and many businesses do choose to stay on the award for various reasons, and of course when someone enters an enterprise bargaining agreement hopefully they do so understanding that it is in a sense a binding industrial relations contract, that they can be penalised to breaching.  Hopefully they're very aware of what restrictions or obligations that instrument contains.


MR SCHMITKE:  Your Honour, if I might - - -?‑‑‑But it is - it is a matter for them, that's right.  Yes.


Your Honour, if I might just perhaps assist.  The mischief here that we seek to resolve in terms of this section of the award is that the phrase "industry rostered day off" features in the award is treated as "this being an industry rostered day off", so gives effect to this calendar irrespective of whether they're covered by an enterprise agreement or not.  That is confusing, the parties have different views on that but that question but that's the clarification we seek to provide.


DEPUTY PRESIDENT GOSTENCNIK:  By industry do you mean only the 38 hour week or do you mean the 38 and the 36?


MR SCHMITKE:  I mean the 38 hour week.




MR SCHMITKE:  That's my understanding, yes.


DEPUTY PRESIDENT GOSTENCNIK:  Well, I have to say - - -


MR MAXWELL:  Your Honour - - -

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MR MAXWELL:  Your Honour, I'm a bit concerned that this cross-examination is turning into some submissions and I'm concerned about the extent to which people are saying that this award is complexed.  I think they're chasing shadows.  If I can - Mr Spence, are you aware that the award allows agreements on working other than the rostered day off cycle?‑‑‑Sorry, can you repeat the question please, Mr Maxwell?


Are you aware that there is an award provision that allows agreement on working other than the rostered day off cycle?‑‑‑Other than the rostered day off - sorry, I just didn't hear the last word that you said?


Rostered day off cycle?‑‑‑Off cycle?  You mean replace working on another day other than the nominated industry RDO?


Well are you aware that there is provision in the award that allows the employer and the majority of employees to agree on their working hours that don't follow the nominated industry rostered day off?‑‑‑No, as far as I'm aware they're bound by 33 under the award, the spread of hours essentially, that the hours must occur within those times lest they be overtime.


VICE PRESIDENT HATCHER:  Mr Spence, is there any capacity in the award to work the 38 hour week without any rostered days off?‑‑‑Not easily - sorry, again, I'd like to see a copy of the award I think before I answer that question.  Look, off the top of my head there may be some capacity for an agreement to be reached where you're paid out everything but I'd have to look at the cashing out clause again because from memory it's restricted.


MR MAXWELL:  So Mr Spence, in all your time advising your clients on this award, no one has directed your attention to clause 33.1(a)(vii) of the award that allows for an employer and the majority of employees, employees of a particular enterprise to agree that the 4 x 4 week cycle doesn't operate?‑‑‑No, I'm aware of that but I don't think that's what you're asking to be honest.  And again, I don't have the benefit of the award in front of me.


MR SCHMITKE:  And your Honours, Commissioners, again that's not the full extent of that clause that Mr Maxwell read out.  I think that's the mischief that Mr Spence - - -

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VICE PRESIDENT HATCHER:  Well, let's try and plough through this and you can do this in re-examination.  Mr Maxwell.


MR MAXWELL:  Thank you, your Honour.  Mr Spence, in regard to clause 33.1(a)(vi), is it not the case that the MBA's main complaint in regard to that clause is that if an employer requires and employee to work on an RDO that is not agreed to by the employee, that they have to pay them penalty rates in addition to their approved RDO entitlements?‑‑‑Sorry, are you asking me if that's Master Builders ACT's issue or the gravamen of my colleagues' submissions from the national office?  Because my understanding is the mischief the national office - they've already said that they're seeking to redress is that by - is the words "nominated industry RDO".  That's as I understand what they're seeking to redress.  I mean obviously, you know, yes, my members don't - it is an impost on them, it's an extra cost, that's right.  And as I understand it, these clauses commonly come - such an RDO clause will commonly be used off the back of a rain day or something like that, where there are already significant costs mounting up.  It is - it can have a very detrimental effect on my members' financial health, absolutely.  Not hugely but they don't like that, as you can expect.


So if you turn to paragraph 33 of your statement?‑‑‑Yes.


So your complaint there is that the wording in clause 33.1(a)(vi) of the on-site award states that:


If an employee is required to undertake necessary work they will be eligible for accrued entitlements in addition to being paid Saturday penalty rates.




So is it not the case that the variation that you seek is to remove the payment for the penalty rates on that day?‑‑‑Well, again I'd repeat the answer to my previous question.  I'm not here seeking anything, I'm here on behalf of MBA ACT.  I'm here giving evidence in support of our national office's submissions, so I'll defer to those submissions.


So is it the case that members of the ACT MBA are not seeking to vary the award?‑‑‑No, no, that's not the case and I think I've already answered that question but I'm happy to answer again.  Members of Master Builders Association of the ACT are seeking to vary the award.  They're seeking to make it more flexible and less complex.

***        CAMERON BENEDICT SPENCE                                                                                          XXN MR MAXWELL


Is it not the case that the variation that's proposed by the MBA is seeking to reduce the entitlements of employees that currently exist under the award?‑‑‑Well, the MBA ACT's made no submissions in that regard, Mr - counsel.


Is it the case that the National MBA through its industrial relations committee of which you are a member have decided to pursue an award variation that seeks to reduce the entitlements of workers who are required to work on a rostered day off?‑‑‑Again, I've read the - I've looked at the proposed wording changes for the award but I'm not familiar enough with them to say that - to answer the question conclusively.  I've looked at the document but I can't remember the words off the top of my head and I don't have it here in front of me.


Your Honour, I have no further questions of this witness.


VICE PRESIDENT HATCHER:  Thank you.  Any re-examination, Mr Schmitke.

RE-EXAMINATION BY MR SCHMITKE                                      [11.22 AM]


MR SCHMITKE:  Yes, thank you, your Honour.  Mr Spence, with respect to the - well, I'd like to ask you about practical experiences that you've witnessed about which inquiries were made to you regarding RDOs.  The questions I have are how many occasions have you seen businesses try and operate on lock down weekends?‑‑‑How many occasions have I seen businesses try to operate on lock down weekends?


Well does that happen?  How often does that happen?‑‑‑It does happen to my certain knowledge.  I don't really know how often.  I don't know, I'm looking for the right words.  I know it happens and I know it's not dreadfully uncommon but I couldn't tell you precisely how often it happens.


In terms of the word that you perform involved advising employees on enterprise agreements and you were asked some questions about enterprise agreements and the industry calendar or the CFMEU calendar?‑‑‑Yes.


How many enterprise agreements are you aware of negotiated with the CFMEU and the ACT that don't have the calendar attached?‑‑‑None.


Mr Spence, are you aware of any circumstances where employers and employees have had a dispute with respect to this particular clause or provision of these arrangements?‑‑‑Sorry, can you clarify the question please?

***        CAMERON BENEDICT SPENCE                                                                                         RXN MR SCHMITKE


Well is there - in the ACT are there industrial disputes arising from the interpretation of either these award provisions or the lock down weekend calendar?‑‑‑Yes.


Can you describe those?‑‑‑I've had members seek to terminate their EBA or have it varied in front of the Commission based on these because they are - they've found the lock down weekend in particular a big impost on their productivity, having many days where the site's closed to all work where it need not be closed, but for the lock down weekends.


Thank you?‑‑‑It's been - it's, yes.




THE WITNESS:  I could probably actually sorry, one thing I should say in relation to that question.  I've seen dispute go to the Commission, as I said, variation, termination, EBA application but more commonly I've seen it as an incentive to not do CFMEU EBAs.


DEPUTY PRESIDENT GOSTENCNIK:  Mr Schmitke, can - I don't want to unnecessarily cut you off but the lock down weekend issue is not a product of the award is it?


MR SCHMITKE:  Well, that is our - what we are saying is that the reference to nominated industry rostered day off is read to mean that prescribed by the CFMEU calendar, as opposed to the prescribed or other type of words regarding the - what would ordinarily be an RDO under the award.


DEPUTY PRESIDENT GOSTENCNIK:  So the variation that you seek as I - - -




DEPUTY PRESIDENT GOSTENCNIK:  One variation that you seek is that the reference in (ii) of 33.1(a) to industry rostered day off includes a reference to a lock down weekend?


MR SCHMITKE:  No, your Honour.  The reference we seek is - or the change we seek is to replace the words "nominated industrial rostered day off" with "prescribed rostered day off".

***        CAMERON BENEDICT SPENCE                                                                                         RXN MR SCHMITKE


DEPUTY PRESIDENT GOSTENCNIK:  To include - sorry.  So you're saying that current provision is interpreted to include a lock down weekend.






MR SCHMITKE:  Sorry, not to include but is restricted to the lock down weekends.




MR SCHMITKE:  So in a practical sense if the employer is covered by the award and they look at that clause - subclause (ii), the agreement on alternate RDOs, there is an issue in the sector where it's read to mean only - you can only agree on these RDOs, and alternate - alternate arrangements for those RDOS, otherwise the provisions of subclause (vi) come into effect, where there's a reference to prescribed rostered days off.  In that situation - - -


VICE PRESIDENT HATCHER:  But if you're not operating on the calendar why would you reach an agreement to substitute an RDO that they're not operating on anyway?


MR SCHMITKE:  Well, that's the point, your Honour.  It's - - -


VICE PRESIDENT HATCHER:  And if you are on the calendar, wouldn't you want to be able to substitute it?  Apart from the day that's not an RDO at all, even though the award says it is.


MR SCHMITKE:  The interpretation of this clause effectively means that you're on the calendar whether you're the under the award or you're not.  That's subclause (ii).


DEPUTY PRESIDENT GOSTENCNIK:  The interpretation by whom?


MR SCHMITKE:  Sorry, the interpretation by members, by unions, by all good industry participants.

***        CAMERON BENEDICT SPENCE                                                                                         RXN MR SCHMITKE




DEPUTY PRESIDENT HAMILTON:  And there's no definition of either nominated or prescribed RDO in the award.  Is that right?


MR SCHMITKE:  I will take that on notice and double check that, your Honour, but there is - I can certainly indicate there's no definition of nominated industry rostered day off.  I can indicate though that in the past under the predecessor instruments the phrase was "nominated industry rostered day" - - -




MR SCHMITKE:  The phrase was "nominated industry rostered day off", and it did arise in circumstances where the parties - when I say the parties, I mean the major employee groups, the major union groups, the negotiated calendar and it would be agreed, and the award therefore reflected that.


VICE PRESIDENT HATCHER:  That interpretation could not possibly arise from those words used.  I assume MBA tells its members that.


MR SCHMITKE:  No, well we don't tell them that, your Honour.  We - that is the feedback - - -


VICE PRESIDENT HATCHER:  I mean the award says:


The rostered day off will be taken every fourth Monday in each four week cycle.




VICE PRESIDENT HATCHER:  How could you possibly think that that would correspond to that calendar?


MR SCHMITKE:  This is - I'm referring here to 33.1(a)(ii) which is the agreement - - -

***        CAMERON BENEDICT SPENCE                                                                                         RXN MR SCHMITKE


VICE PRESIDENT HATCHER:  I know that but that's about agreements to substitute days.  But when the days are actually taken under the award is under 33.1(a)(i).


MR SCHMITKE:  Correct, and it's not necessarily that provision to which I'm making reference.  I'm making reference to the agreement to have a substitute RDO and in that situation it's read to mean - - -


VICE PRESIDENT HATCHER:  But if you're taking your rostered days off under (i) why would you enter into an agreement to have a substitute day for a day that's not even an RDO?


MR SCHMITKE:  Because the - your Honour, if I can just step you through it.  The first provision does talk about the various ways in which you can establish an RDO with respect to the cycle, and that involves the 20th day, four week cycle and so on and so forth.  That's not - there's confusion caused by that so where the confusion arises in when you are seeking to change an RDO and in practice - - -


VICE PRESIDENT HATCHER:  So you've got your RDO set on the fourth Monday in each four week cycle and you want to change it, and what happens?


MR SCHMITKE:  It's basically people don't seek to change it.  People think that the only way they can change it is in the nominated - is under this clause, and in practice - - -


VICE PRESIDENT HATCHER:  I see, so you're saying that if people aren't working on the calendar they think they've got no capacity to reach an agreement under (ii).  Is that the point?


MR SCHMITKE:  Yes, and indeed extensively people actually don't work under the calendar.  Yes, your Honour.


DEPUTY PRESIDENT GOSTENCNIK:  But how can a nominated industry RDO under the award be anything other than one of the days in (i)?  Because that tells you when the days must be taken.


MR SCHMITKE:  It does, it does.


DEPUTY PRESIDENT GOSTENCNIK:  So it can't possibly be a reference - the industry RDO, if it means something other than those days can't mean those days.

***        CAMERON BENEDICT SPENCE                                                                                         RXN MR SCHMITKE


MR SCHMITKE:  That may well be the case, your Honour.  The mischief that we're seeking to fix here is simply to make it clear that if you have a four week cycle and if it does fall on a different day other than the nominated industry RDO, you're not prevented from substituting that.  The difficulty is that what occurs in practice is the industry all observed the same RDO and part of the difficulty giving rise to that situation is the interpretation of the different - or the different types of references used within the awards; nominated, prescribed, agreed and so on and so forth, so part of our claim in this regard is a number of things but includes making the language consistent and then providing more options for the employees and employers to agree about substitution arrangements.


DEPUTY PRESIDENT GOSTENCNIK:  But the way I look at the calendar and I'm happy to be corrected but none of the industry RDOs which fall on a lock down weekend confirm with the requirements in (i).  None of them.


MR SCHMITKE:  Yes, that is the case, your Honour, but again it's not necessarily the interpretation of these two clauses which we as parties are having or as practitioners are having discussions about.  The effect of it on the industry is entirely different and that's the difficulty.  So by clarifying these provisions what we are doing is to seek some consistency within the award and ensure that there is no, you know, room for error and interpretation so that everybody knows what we're talking about.


VICE PRESIDENT HATCHER:  Maybe we should ask Mr Maxwell.  Mr Maxwell, in 33.1(a)(ii), what does "nominated industry rostered day off" mean so far as your organisation is concerned?


MR MAXWELL:  So far as our organisation is concerned it's the rostered days off identified in (a)(i).


VICE PRESIDENT HATCHER:  Right, so it sounds to me like that can be resolved by agreement, or alternatively simply deleting the words nominated industry.


MR SCHMITKE:  Yes, which is part of our application.


VICE PRESIDENT HATCHER:  Can we finish the re-examination?


MR SCHMITKE:  Just one additional question on one matter, Mr Spence, sorry.  The clause 33.1(a)(vi) which says:

***        CAMERON BENEDICT SPENCE                                                                                         RXN MR SCHMITKE


Except where agreement has been reached in accordance with 33.1(a)(ii) and 33.1(a)(iii) the prescribed rostered day off or any substituted day may be worked where it is required by the employer and such work is necessary to allow employees to be employed productively and carry out out of hours maintenance, or in the case of unforeseen delays to a particular project, or a section of, or reasons arising from unforeseen or emergency circumstances on a project.




You were asked a question about those provisions and my understanding is that you were answer explained that there was a limitation on those circumstances described.  Can you explain that further please to the Commission?‑‑‑My understanding of the limitations around that clause in the award are that the agreement can only be reached initially where first the employer must request it, it's not something where the employee can approach the employer or employees can approach the employer, and it has to also meet some extrinsic circumstances due to some unforeseen delay or other issue.  Commonly rain delays.


Thank you, Mr Spence.


VICE PRESIDENT HATCHER:  Right, thank you for your evidence, Mr Spence.  You're excused and you're free to go?‑‑‑May it please the Commission.

<THE WITNESS WITHDREW                                                          [11.34 AM]


DEPUTY PRESIDENT GOSTENCNIK:  Mr Schmitke, I note just in passing that your organisation's number doesn't appear to make it in the important phone numbers list in the calendar.


MR SCHMITKE:  A fact about which we are very proud, your Honour.  In fact, our organisation doesn't feature at all.


VICE PRESIDENT HATCHER:  The ABCC's not there either.  We might take a morning tea adjournment for 10 or 15 minutes and we'll line up the Perth witnesses while that's



SHORT ADJOURNMENT                                                                  [11.35 AM]

***        CAMERON BENEDICT SPENCE                                                                                         RXN MR SCHMITKE

RESUMED                                                                                             [11.56 AM]


VICE PRESIDENT HATCHER:  Mr Maxwell, are you calling Mr Pallot now?


MS PAUL:  Your Honour, may we ask for the other witnesses that aren't called to be waiting outside the court room in Perth?




MS PAUL:  Just that some of the questions and some of the evidence that they're going to provide, or they have provided, will dovetail with each other and we would seek not to have   and some of the questions we would be asking would be similar from one party to the other.


VICE PRESIDENT HATCHER:  All right, if you insist.


MS PAUL:  Thank you, your Honour.


VICE PRESIDENT HATCHER:  Any person who is going to give evidence in Perth, just step slightly outside of the door, until they're called to give evidence, and Mr Pallot can you come forward to the witness box please.


We will administer the affirmation.

<GRAHAM PALLOT, AFFIRMED                                                  [11.58 AM]

EXAMINATION-IN-CHIEF BY MR MAXWELL                          [11.58 AM]




MR MAXWELL:  Thank you, your Honour.  Mr Pallot, have you prepared a statement for these proceedings?‑‑‑Yes I did.


Do you have a copy of the statement with you?‑‑‑I have brought a copy with me, yes.


Is that statement 13 paragraphs long?‑‑‑I missed that, sorry.

***        GRAHAM PALLOT                                                                                                                   XN MR MAXWELL


Is that statement 13 paragraphs long?‑‑‑Yes.


Is that statement true and correct to the best of your knowledge?‑‑‑Yes.


Are there any changes you wish to make to the statement?‑‑‑No, the statement's fine.


Thank you.  Your Honour, I seek to tender that statement.


VICE PRESIDENT HATCHER:  The statement of Graham Pallot dated 7 December 2016 will be marked exhibit 35.



MR MAXWELL:  Thank you, your Honour.  Do you wish to cross Mr Schmitke?


MR SCHMITKE:  Thank you, your Honour.  Mr Pallot, my name is Sean Schmitke from Master Builders and I thank you for giving evidence today and I just want to ask you a few questions about your statement.  In paragraph 2, you talk about your statement concerning, primarily FIFO workers, is that right?‑‑‑Yes.


The majority of that type of work takes place on major projects in WA in the north-west.  Am I right to say that?‑‑‑For the last few years that would be correct.  It's now moving into a lot more of the shut-down work.  I wouldn't necessarily define those ones as major projects, but for the last few years most of them have been major projects, yes.


What locations were these major projects located in?‑‑‑The three biggest projects that I think everyone's aware of, is Roy Hill, Wheatstone Project near Onslow, and Barrow Island would be the three biggest, by far.


Roughly, what's the distance between those projects and Perth CBD?‑‑‑What was the difference, did you say?

***        GRAHAM PALLOT                                                                                                                   XN MR MAXWELL


What is the distance   I mean, are they 2000 Ks away, 500 kilometres away?‑‑‑They're all roughly   phew, not sure about Ks, but they're about a two-and-a-half-hour flight and then depending on the project, anything up to a two-hour drive to get to.


Just on paragraph 4 of your statement.  You talk there about the mobile phones?‑‑‑Yes.


That restriction is only while they're at work.  It's not when they return home each night, is that right, or return back to the camp or a facility?‑‑‑No, the restriction happens when they're back in camp because in a lot of those projects, because there's so many people trying to use the mobile phones at camp, they just can't communicate.  They just don't work.  The communication that's put into those projects, doesn't allow for so many mobile phones.  Depending on the project, you have to be with the right provider.  They only arrange for one provider, so if you're not aware of that when you get up there, you might have an Optus card and you need a Telstra card.  So what happens is there is huge problems with the mobile phones in their ability to use them and the standard of communications on these projects.


Thank you, Mr Pallot but when you earlier in that sentence say that they're not able to have their phones with them at work, you're describing a situation where they have their mobile phones with them, but there's a problem is coverage.  Is that a fair summary?‑‑‑When I say at work, they're not allowed to take them onto the worksite, but then when they get back into the accommodation or camp that you spoke about, obviously they can get access to their phones, yes.


Thank you.  Mr Pallot, when people return to their accommodation, are they allowed to leave their accommodation of a night time?‑‑‑Generally speaking, no.  These camps are run like prison camps and they don't have a lot of freedom at all.


There could be a lot of reasons why there might be some rules about leaving the camp of a night time, couldn't there?‑‑‑There can be reasons, but the reasons obviously from health and safety viewpoints, there should be good communication about where people are going and what they're doing.  But having said that, people should be free, they're grown adults, they should be free once they submit plans and let employers know where they go.  They should be able to have their freedom in their own time.

***        GRAHAM PALLOT                                                                                                                   XN MR MAXWELL


There could be other rules as well, other than just the safety rules.  There could be an emergency, that you need to know where people are.  There could be some environmental rules that apply, things like that. You don't people wandering around, littering and things like that.  Those types of considerations could be taken into consideration, do you agree with that?‑‑‑They're used as excuses to restrict workers, which is a bit mental issue for the workers up there.  All these people are grown adults, they understand their responsibilities.  They're more than capable of letting an employer know that they intend to travel in town and sticking to that town and the majority shouldn't be restricted because one person may err.


In paragraphs 6 and 7   actually, mainly paragraph 6 of your statement, you talk about practices there.  You say involving or encouraging people to pay for the provision of their own various facilities, and you are the Assistant Secretary of the Western Australian Branch of the CFMEU, so can you describe what action you've taken to resolve and address those problems you've described?‑‑‑Many hours of discussion where we can in the bargaining process throughout the agreements that are written up by the CCI and other parties in the nor-west.  They bring this terminology called Point of Hire.  What they try and do is get workers to agree, whether they live in - - -


Sorry, Mr Pallot, if I can just briefly interrupt you, I think we're all concerned about time.


VICE PRESIDENT HATCHER:  No, I want to hear the answer to the question Mr Pallot?‑‑‑What's done is we come up with the terminology called Point of Hire and what they do, is they imply the workers that if their point of hire is outside Perth, Western Australia, that's the only place they'll be employing from.  Quite often, we give examples of where the medicals and everything are arranged in Queensland, for example, but the point of hire that is signed off, is Perth.  Everyone knows that their usual place or residence is definitely not Perth, and if that was a problem for those major projects, it's actually going through the roof now with the shutdown work.  People are basically implied, well you know, if you're not in Perth, we find that the TAs, the labouring classifications come under even greater pressure in this area.  Recently, there's an employer on the Wheatstone Project, Cape Australia, that made it very clear to workers on that project that if they were TAs and they applied for a project outside of Point of Hire, being Perth, they simply wouldn't get the job.


MR SCHMITKE:  What other action have you taken?  Have you referred to the Fair Work Ombudsman; have you sought to prosecute the employers for breach of the instrument?‑‑‑The reality is that it's not necessarily a breach of the instrument, and what happens up there is we have a thing called ERMS and workers live in fear of ERMS, because it's quite clearly told to them that if you get the wrong ratings in the ERMS system, you'll be in that and never to be employed again category.  So, the feedback that we get from the workers on the project is that they want us to make improvements within the award system to try and make sure that these rights are a lot clearer, so the union can prosecute employers with them feeling a lot safer and a lot securer about the outcomes they're going into.

***        GRAHAM PALLOT                                                                                                                   XN MR MAXWELL


Mr Pallot, you're aware if a worker is, you know, suffers some retribution or harm as a result of making a complaint, that there's a provision under the Fair Work Act to seek redress for that.  Are you aware of that?‑‑‑Yes, I'm definitely aware of that, but again, the workers don't go down that path because they have a feeling that if they came and testified within the Fair Work Commission, they simply won't work on those major earning projects again.


Thank you.  Just so I'm clear, you haven't brought a prosecution for a breach of an instrument, and you haven't contacted the Fair Work Ombudsman.  Is that your evidence?‑‑‑That's correct.


In relation to the rest of your statement, just in general, you cover two areas being   or a number of areas, but they seem to centre around the camp facilities and difficulties associated with rights in and out of these projects. Just in relation to the camp facilities, isn't it right, that these camps have got recreational facilities?‑‑‑Yes, they do.


Do they have tennis courts?‑‑‑Some of them do; some don't, yes.  They have a fairly high level of recreation facilities, that is correct.


Do they have a tavern?‑‑‑Sorry what   I missed that?


Sorry, Mr Pallot, the question was, do they have taverns?  Is there a place where you can go and buy a beer or something like that?‑‑‑I'm sorry, I'm not just not getting it.  Sorry, mate.


Basically, is there like a pub arrangement within the camp itself?‑‑‑Yes, sorry, yes.  Yes, they do have pub arrangements, but there is very strong restrictions on the amount of alcohol they can drink.


They've got medical facilities?‑‑‑They have limited medical facilities.


Do they have   in some camps they've got cleaners, is that right?‑‑‑They have cleaners.  They've gone from cleaning their rooms once a day, to sometimes once a week, as a cost cutting exercise.


Do they have a football field?  Do some of these camps have a football field?‑‑‑Yes.


Do some of these camps have swimming pools?‑‑‑Yes.

***        GRAHAM PALLOT                                                                                                                   XN MR MAXWELL


Do some of these camps have cricket nets?‑‑‑Yes.


Do some of these camps have golf driving nets?‑‑‑Not that I'm aware of.


Do some of these villages have a basketball court?‑‑‑Yes.  There's no issue with the facilities.  The issue is with the freedom of people to either access the local towns.


Mr Pallot, that's not my question to you.  I'm just interested as to your evidence regarding the type of facilities in these camps.  In terms then of the flights   I'll withdraw that question.  Can I just ask you on the camps issue, is it the case that the facilities are the same in every single camp?‑‑‑No.  The facilities on the three projects we've spoken about are very high.  The facilities where workers do shut down work, are nothing like that.


That's because the work that they're undertaking, the location in which they're undertaking that work, and the timing or the stage of a project in which work is undertaken, all of these things are variables, that have an impact on the type of facilities.  Is that right?‑‑‑That may be one way of expressing it, but the thing that amazes me, and we'll see with the Wheatstone Project, I wouldn't mind betting that at the end of the day, they'll demob all those good facilities when they could have left them there for future workers and the facilities left behind will be of a much lower standard.


But, you agree, there's no consistent standard of facility that's provided in all of these camps because it's hard to do so.  Each project is different?‑‑‑No, it's not hard to cease.  I don't agree to that at all.


But each project is different, you'd agree to that?‑‑‑All the projects are different, yes.


They're all located in different areas, aren't they?‑‑‑Correct.


In terms of the issues regarding flights and travelling in and out of the sites, there's a raft of complaints or issues I should say that you say are relevant including connecting flights; flights from the eastern states to Perth that are have to go overnight.  They're just complaints that everybody experiences with respect to flying, particularly in relation to Western Australia, is that right?‑‑‑No.

***        GRAHAM PALLOT                                                                                                                   XN MR MAXWELL


It's not?‑‑‑It is the flights and the way they are arranged, are not arranged the way that people would arrange them if they were arranging them for their personal life.


Mr Pallot, I might just ask on that point - - -


MR MAXWELL:  Sorry, your Honour, I hate to interject, but can Mr Pallot please be allowed to answer the questions?


VICE PRESIDENT HATCHER:  Had you finished that answer, Mr Pallot?‑‑‑Yes, sorry, what I was saying is the flights   the first point is that with both the accommodation and flights, what's now happened is the actual employers have taken that out of their hand and given it to the clients of the projects, so there's no ability through dispute resolution or anything like that to raise these issues because the answer always is, well that's the way the client arranges it.  The second stage of that is, that then what happens is that the flights are arranged to the cheapest flights possible.  I'll never forget a member from South Australia explaining to me that he was put on a flight after his day's work.  So, he got into Perth roughly 6.30 at night.  He then had to wait until the midnight horrors because they were the cheapest flights.  By then, flights to South Australia from Western Australia, you have to go via Melbourne or Sydney.  So, he flew to one of those airports and then he had to wait there.  He eventually got into South Australia about 8 o'clock in the morning and then he had a three-hour drive from that airport to his usual place of residence.  In his personal life, there he would be no way he would organise the flights in that pattern.


MR SCHMITKE:  Mr Pallot, I was in Perth recently.  I flew on a Friday morning from Sydney to Perth on a 6 am flight.  I spent the day undertaking meetings at the direction of my employer.  They set a flight for me to return back.  The flight was at 11 o'clock at night.


MR MAXWELL:  Your Honour, I object to this questioning.  Where is this relating to Mr Pallot's statement?


VICE PRESIDENT HATCHER:  It doesn't have to.  Complete the question please.

***        GRAHAM PALLOT                                                                                                                   XN MR MAXWELL


MR SCHMITKE:  Actually, your Honour, I'll withdraw that, I won't pursue it.  What I would just ask you Mr Pallot, is in paragraph 10, it describes the circumstances there, working until 3 pm and then many flights don't leave till 6 pm or later.  Am I right to say that if you finish work at 3 pm, the normal practice is to go back to the camp, have a shower to change clothes, to get your stuff together and then get off to wherever you need to get on the plan.  Is that right?‑‑‑Yes.


So, three hours is about right.  I certainly would like to get to an airport an hour ahead of time always, so three hours is enough time, is that right?‑‑‑Depending on the project.  Yes, three hours is most probably enough time to get to the airport, yes.


Thank you Mr Pallot.  I don't have any further questions for you.


VICE PRESIDENT HATCHER:  Ms Paul, do you have any questions?


MS PAUL:  Some questions, thank you, your Honour.

CROSS-EXAMINATION BY MS PAUL                                           [12.16 PM]


MS PAUL:  Mr Pallot, I just want to confirm the evidence - - -


VICE PRESIDENT HATCHER:  Ms Paul, can you get a bit closer to the microphone, please.


MS PAUL:  Sorry, your Honour.




MS PAUL:  Mr Pallot, can you hear me?‑‑‑Yes, I can.


I just want to confirm, the evidence you've provided in your statement is as a result of the discussions you've had with your members, is that correct?‑‑‑It would be   to be quite frank, it would be discussion with my members; it would be discussions with members of other unions.  When I visit projects or people ring in, I talk to them, no matter what. It's members and worker that have given us information about the frustrations of the current system.


MS PAUL:  Mr Pallot, have you ever worked as a FIFO or DIDO worker yourself?‑‑‑As a fly-in-out worker, no.  I did do a period of time only, about six to eight months, for the union organising in the nor-west, and it's my only experience of any type of fly-in-fly-out.

***        GRAHAM PALLOT                                                                                                                          XXN MS PAUL


Do you know the CFMEU is claiming in relation to the living away from home claim in this matter?‑‑‑Sorry, I missed that.


Are you aware of what the union is claiming in relation to this matter, in terms of the living away from home?‑‑‑Yes.


Mr Pallot, in terms of your position, do you negotiate agreements with companies on behalf of your members?‑‑‑Sorry, there's a bit of background noise, I missed that.


Sorry, in relation to your position, do you negotiate agreements on behalf of the union and your members, with employers?‑‑‑Yes, I do.


Have you negotiated any agreements since, say 2015?‑‑‑No.  Not about fly-in-fly-out, I should clarify.


The agreements that you've negotiated for fly-in-fly-out would be before 2015?‑‑‑Yes.


Have you negotiated any other agreements that deal with distance work, from 2015?‑‑‑There might have been some crane agreements.  I don't know if I'd use the word negotiated, I would be aware, and they're agreements that are currently going through the system where the employer have managed agreements and they've sent them into us, once they're a fait-accompli.


But the union seeks to be covered by those agreements?‑‑‑Yes.


In terms of agreements that would cover employees undertaking distant work   sorry, let me rephrase that.  In negotiating agreements, say from 2015, have those agreements contained distant work clauses?‑‑‑Most of the agreements, and I don't recall seeing one within   particularly the nor-west region, wouldn't have clauses to do with some form of fly-in-fly-out distant wording.


Sorry, they wouldn't, did you say?‑‑‑They would always have some type of wording on that subject.


You mentioned earlier around shut-down work occurring?‑‑‑Yes.

***        GRAHAM PALLOT                                                                                                                          XXN MS PAUL


You gave evidence   and that shut-down work is in remote sites.  Is that correct?‑‑‑The shut-down work I'm referring to, yes, it's in remote sites.


In relation to that shut-down work, are there enterprise agreements that have been negotiated with the CFMEU that cover that work?‑‑‑Yes, there's agreements that we have signed on to.  The negotiation process has never been completed because the employers have put out what I call baseline agreements and had them voted up before we finished any negotiations.


But you did at least commence and go through a negotiation process?‑‑‑With some of them, yes.


In terms of the agreements that either the CFMEU have been of the negotiation process, or negotiated, how many agreements, would you say cover work in relation to camps?‑‑‑For the ones we're talking about, all of them would have wording   mainly not so much about the camps, they tend to be silent, but certainly about the fly-in-fly-out process.


In terms of those agreements as well, am I correct to assume that they would have provisions regarding rest and recreation clauses?‑‑‑Yes.


Would you accept that the CFMEU has negotiated agreements regarding rest and recreation of four weeks on and one week off in those remote areas?‑‑‑In the past we did, yes.


Would you agree with me that there would be agreements that have been negotiated since 2015 that would have four weeks on and one week off?‑‑‑There would be agreements that have that as a result, but with all those agreements, we would have been pursuing better rosters than four weeks on and one week off.


But the end result, in the negotiated outcome, is four weeks on, one week off, correct?‑‑‑No, the result is that it's negotiated.  The result is that sometimes you end up with an impasse where the improvement isn't going to occur and eventually workers are, just out of exhaustion and frustration vote up the roster that's in front of them.  It's one of the reasons that they are on to us about trying to improve the underlying award on these subjects.


Mr Pallot, I'll ask you the question again.  In terms of those agreements, that the CFMEU has negotiated, it has resulted in four week on, one week off rosters.  Is that correct?‑‑‑There would be some, yes.

***        GRAHAM PALLOT                                                                                                                          XXN MS PAUL


Would it be also correct that there would be agreements that the CFMEU have negotiated since 2015 that contain rest and recreation clauses that are similar to the current award terms?‑‑‑Not that I'm aware of.


In the agreements that have been negotiated, again by the CFMEU - - -


VICE PRESIDENT HATCHER:  Ms Paul, what do you mean when you say the agreements have been negotiated by the CFMEU?  Does that   I mean, the CFMEU may have been a bargaining agent for negotiations, but are you conveying more than that fact?


MS PAUL:  I apologise, your Honour, no I'm just highlighting that the CFMEU would have been a bargaining agent.  So, I'm happy to clarify that for the witness.  In relation to agreements where the CFMEU has been a bargaining agent, do you recall that any of those agreement contain LAFHA allowances of $913.88 per week?‑‑‑I think that figure is out of a couple of the crane agreements.


Sorry, did you say the cone agreements?‑‑‑Crane agreements.  That sounds like a figure that was in a couple of the crane agreements, to me, off the top of my head.


Do you recall when those crane agreements were negotiated?‑‑‑Those crane agreements with those figures were negotiated, I'm guessing a bit, but it would be six years ago and the renewal   they may have been renewed since them, but they would have been figures that were based about six years ago.


Is it also possible that there were agreements where the CFMEU were a bargaining agent, where the allowance rates were closer to the current award terms?‑‑‑There may be a final result in that area.  Certainly they're not the claims that were on the table from the CFMEU and they're not what we sought to get into the agreements because the award is far too low.


Would you agree with me that CFMEU, acting as a bargaining agent, has negotiated many agreements where they've got higher LAFHA allowances, but they've retained the rest and recreation provisions of the award?‑‑‑No, I'm not aware of us retaining the award rest and recreation clause.


In your statement, you have provided evidence about workers having difficulties working longer rosters, or longer periods of time without getting the recreation leave. In terms of that evidence, that's really in relation to employees that are doing distant work on an ongoing basis for years, for example?‑‑‑Yes, if I understand your question, the answer is yes.

***        GRAHAM PALLOT                                                                                                                          XXN MS PAUL


If I can take you then to paragraph 3 of your statement?‑‑‑Yes.


I think you've given some evidence already in relation to the issues that have been faced by the FIFO workers.  Were these situations in relation to remote work?‑‑‑Yes.


In relation to the employees that you're talking about was their employment covered by enterprise agreements?‑‑‑Some would be, yes.


Those enterprise agreements would have been where the CFMEU were a bargaining agent?‑‑‑Yes, well, if we weren't a bargaining agent, we wouldn't have been involved at all, so that would be correct, yes.


In terms of those particular employees, that are covered by those agreements, have you brought any dispute before the Commission, or a claim on behalf of those employees for the issues that you've raised in paragraph 3?‑‑‑These are bargaining processes.  You can't go to the Commission and dispute that.  I think you might be misunderstanding exactly what's said there.  What is being pointed out in that paragraph is that when a worker wants to go work away, they say to their family, I'm on a two on one roster.  The family automatically assumes that all the travel time, of that roster is in the four weeks on or the three weeks on.  What I was trying to point out and had many discussions, particularly with the CCI about this, it's a basic flaw in our system that we don't break travel time out because when they go to go away, they say to their family, I'm going to earn $4000 a week.  I'm going to be away for this long and I'm going to be this long at home.  So that's where a lot of the family disturbance and grief comes from when they start finding out that they're not going to be home for seven days or whatever the time is or 10 days.  They find that they spend two or three days of that time just travelling to and from the project.  So, I'm trying to highlight there, that in roster links the travel time and travelling to and from the projects is a very critical part of the roster links.


Thank you Mr Pallot, I was actually referring to paragraph 3 of your statements, sorry if I didn't make that clear.  Paragraph of your statement, you said it's about the roster length to travel to and from distant work and in particular, you use the words "In some situations, workers are required or strongly encouraged to falsify their usual place of residence in order to obtain a job."

***        GRAHAM PALLOT                                                                                                                          XXN MS PAUL


In relation to that issue about workers required or strongly encouraged to falsify their usual place of residence in order to obtain a job, in terms of those workers, those workers' employment would be covered by an enterprise agreement?‑‑‑Some would and some wouldn't be in regards to that part of the statement.


In relation to those that are, am I correct in saying the CFMEU would have been a bargaining agent?‑‑‑Yes, we may or may not have been.  Because it depends on the agreement, but in some cases yes, and in some cases no.


Let's just talk about the cases where they the CFMEU has been a bargaining agent, and for those employees that are covered by those agreements, have you brought a dispute before the Commission, or a claim on behalf of those employees in relation to this issue that they are required or strongly encouraged to falsify their usual place of residence?‑‑‑As I said earlier in my testimony, no, we have not.


Thank you Mr Pallot, I have no further questions.  No further questions, your Honour?‑‑‑Thank you.


VICE PRESIDENT HATCHER:  Any re-examination, Mr Maxwell?


MR MAXWELL:  Yes, your Honour, just briefly.

RE-EXAMINATION BY MR MAXWELL                                       [12.32 PM]


MR MAXWELL:  Mr Pallot, in regard to a question from Mr Schmitke, you referred to the ERM system.  Can you just explain what that is please?‑‑‑The ERM system is a system where on all the major projects, and some others that there's a private identify that keeps records of people's files about their skills, their service, previous employers and that's passed on to future employers to do reference checks on those workers before they get a start.  If the ERMs system doesn't tick a worker off, you don't get a start.


VICE PRESIDENT HATCHER:  Can you spell the word for me.  What is it ERMs, is it?‑‑‑It's E R M S.  I'm not really sure what the letters stand for.

***        GRAHAM PALLOT                                                                                                                 RXN MR MAXWELL


MR MAXWELL:  In response to another question, you refer to that being limited medical facilities on remote projects at constructions camps.  Can you expand on what you mean by limited medical facilities?‑‑‑Yes, depends on the projects and the people that staff them.  I guess the only way I can explain that in some detail is we now have issues because of the alleged limited medical facilities.  If I've had a heart attack and then I want to return to the project, I get demobed and told to stay at home, because they don't have the facilities on the project to look after someone who may have a reoccurring heart attack.


Do those limited medical facilities include mental health support?‑‑‑The mental health on those projects is definitely outsourced to someone else and the mental health assistance in my experience is at the lower end.  There have been some improvements on projects in the last few years about increasing that, but one of the problems we find that because the mental health services are generally companies recommended by the employer, workers don't want to use it, because they're frightened that the employer will understand they've made those complaints and all of a sudden, they'll get demobilised again.  There's a lot of fear up there in regards to all of a sudden, just not being a wanted employee if you use those types of facilities.


Mr Pallot, you also referred to major projects being Roy Hill, Wheatstone, Barrow Island.  How many employees are engaged on those projects?‑‑‑Look, on average each of those projects would have averaged somewhere between 6000 and 8500 workers.


You were also asked in regard to the flight arrangements for workers.  If we take the Barrow Island projects, how many flights a day would there be between say the local airport near Barrow Island and going to Perth?‑‑‑Yes, I didn't pick up that question, sorry.


In regard to workers on Barrow Island, how many flights return workers to Perth per day from Barrow Island?‑‑‑Okay, yes, look, it's dependent on the project because obviously manning levels are changed, but in the times that I've visited the project, there was generally two to three flights going up in the morning and generally two or three coming back at night.  Then there was limited flights which have now ceased from Karratha over to Barrow as well.  Generally, there was one or two of them a day as well.


I have no further questions of the witness, your Honour.


VICE PRESIDENT HATCHER:  Right, thank you for your evidence Mr Pallot.  You're excused.

<THE WITNESS WITHDREW                                                          [12.37 PM]


VICE PRESIDENT HATCHER:  How long will you be with the next witness?


MR SCHMITKE:  Well, the matters canvassed from the next witness' statement are very similar to those of this witness.  I was intending to ask very similar questions again.

***        GRAHAM PALLOT                                                                                                                 RXN MR MAXWELL


VICE PRESIDENT HATCHER:  All right, well make a start then.  Can you call the next witness?  Mr Pallot, can you ask the next witness Mr Ferreira to come in please?


MR PALLOT:  Yes, thank you, your Honour.


VICE PRESIDENT HATCHER:  Mr Ferreira, can you please just stand and we'll administer the affirmation to you?


MR FERREIRA:  Pardon, what was that sorry?


VICE PRESIDENT HATCHER:  Can I just ask you to stand while we administer the affirmation to you.  Thank you.

<PAUL FERREIRA, AFFIRMED                                                      [12.38 PM]

EXAMINATION-IN-CHIEF BY MR MAXWELL                          [12.38 PM]




MR MAXWELL:  Thank you, your Honour.  Mr Ferreira, have you prepared a statement for these proceedings?‑‑‑Yes, I did.


Do you have a copy of that statement with you?‑‑‑Yes.


Is that statement 10 paragraphs long?‑‑‑It is two pages long, yes.


Is that statement correct to the best of your knowledge?‑‑‑Yes, it is.


Are there any changes you wish to make to that statement?‑‑‑No.


Your Honour, I seek to tender the witness statement for Paul Ferreira.


VICE PRESIDENT HATCHER:  The statement of Paul Ferreira dated 2 December 2016, will be marked exhibit 36.  Mr Schmitke.

***        PAUL FERREIRA                                                                                                                      XN MR MAXWELL



MR SCHMITKE:  Thank you, your Honour.  Mr Ferreira, thank you for making yourself available to answer some questions today.  Just in paragraph 8 of your statement please?‑‑‑Yes.


You make a reference to the Wheatstone Project?‑‑‑Yes.


Now, is that near   well, whereabouts is that project located?‑‑‑The Wheatstone Project is approximately about 18 Ks inland from Onslow town.


There's a few mine sites up there I think.  Is it Ashburton North?  Is that one of them?‑‑‑Was what sorry?


Was it Ashburton North, that's a mine site up there, is that right?‑‑‑I'm not too sure about that one.  I know they've got a salt mine there and there's also like a power plant out there as well.  I forgot the name of it.


I understand there's a Chevron site called Ashburton North near Wheatstone?‑‑‑Unless we're talking about the same project, I've not heard of that one.


Have you seen any of the accommodation facilities in construction camps in or around that site?‑‑‑Yes, over Wheatstone there I do visit.  There was a specific visit where I'm actually inside the camp itself.


Am I right to say that these camps contain - - -


VICE PRESIDENT HATCHER:  Are we talking about these camps or that camp?


MR MAXWELL:  That camp.




MR MAXWELL:  Contains single bed ensuites?‑‑‑Yes, but there was a period of time that they were trying to   they were utilising bunking as well, because they'd ramped up to about 7500 workers on site and they needed.

***        PAUL FERREIRA                                                                                                                      XN MR MAXWELL


Do these facilities also contain ensuites?‑‑‑Yes.


Air conditioning?‑‑‑Yes.


Flat panel TVs?‑‑‑Telephone and TV did you say?


Flat panel TVs?‑‑‑Yes.


Internet?‑‑‑Limited.  The amount of people there; it's a strain on services out there, from what I've been told by workers.


Football fields?‑‑‑Yes.


A swimming pool?‑‑‑Yes.


Cricket nets?‑‑‑What was that, sorry?


A cricket net?‑‑‑Yes, I think there is cricket nets out there, yes.


Golf driving nets?‑‑‑Not too sure about the golf driving nets.  I haven't seen them out there.


Tennis courts?‑‑‑Yes.


A 4300 seat dining facility?‑‑‑I'm not too sure on the numbers of the dining facilities, but I think there's four different dining facilities there.


The accommodation itself, are they king size single beds?  Have you seen one of those?‑‑‑I might have seen his king singles from what I've been getting told.


There's air conditioning, writing desk and broadband access in the rooms.  Is that right?‑‑‑Yes, you mentioned that before and like I said, the internet access is a constant complaint with workers on camp.

***        PAUL FERREIRA                                                                                                                      XN MR MAXWELL


Do you know with that particular project, who built that camp?‑‑‑My understanding it was Decmil, but don't quote me.  I understand Decmil was contracted to build that camp.


Actually, if it's consistent with my recollection, they're a building and construction company, aren't they?‑‑‑Yes.


They would employ your members?‑‑‑Yes.


It's your members that build these facilities?‑‑‑Well, members and potential members.


The paragraph 5 of your statement, you talk in that, it starts off by saying "with downward pressure on wages".  What do you mean by that?‑‑‑Well, obviously, we say projects are   I suppose the last of the big projects up the north-west there, and with that downturn in work, what I am seeing up the north-west, is contractors putting into place what we call these base-line agreements that barely meet, or just barely go above the BOOT test and then they offer conditions of employment which are just above that.  In comparison to what they're earning at Wheatstone, those wages and conditions are vastly inferior.


But they do pass the BOOT test, is that right?‑‑‑They're baseline agreements, barely, like a dollar an hour more than what the award is.


My question is, do they pass the BOOT test?‑‑‑Yes.


Thank you.  I don't have any further questions, thank you.


VICE PRESIDENT HATCHER:  Ms Paul, do you have any questions?


MS PAUL:  Yes, your Honour, and mine won't be too long.

CROSS-EXAMINATION BY MS PAUL                                           [12.45 PM]


MS PAUL:  Mr Ferreira, is the evidence you've provided based on what you've been told by your members?‑‑‑Yes.

***        PAUL FERREIRA                                                                                                                            XXN MS PAUL


In your statement, you say that your main issues are faced with FIFO workers, you talk about FIFO workers.  So, when you're talking about the type of FIFO workers you've described in paragraph 3, for example, of your statement, are you talking about those types of employees that could be described as permanently FIFO workers.  They move from project to project or they they're for years doing FIFO work.  Is that the kind of employee you're describing?‑‑‑The vast majority of people on the Wheatstone project are continuous FIFO workers.  They're either moved from Barrow Island to Wheatstone, yes.


Can I take you to paragraph 10 of your statement, where you describe shut-down workers, or workers doing short stints.  They would be a different category of workers, to the FIFO worker you just described, isn't it?‑‑‑Yes, totally different.  Shut-down work is anything from a couple of days to a couple of weeks and then they go back to their original point of hire.


If I take you back to the FIFO workers that we were talking about.  Would it be correct to say that these workers are usually covered by an enterprise agreement?  The terms of employment for these workers would usually be covered by an enterprise agreement?‑‑‑Sorry, can you just repeat that again?


If we go back to the FIFO workers we were just talking about, in relation to these type of workers, their employment terms would be in accordance with an enterprise agreement, would that be correct?‑‑‑Yes, yes, like I suppose the Wheatstone project, their terms and conditions are set out by a basic framework agreement that covers everyone and the conditions are pretty much the   well, they're exactly the same depending on classification.


Those agreements have been entered into   sorry, those agreements have been ones in which the CFMEU has acted as a bargaining agent.  Would that be correct?‑‑‑I haven't been involved with that, but we're not a signatory to those agreements, there.


That's fine.


VICE PRESIDENT HATCHER:  Sorry, Mr Ferreira, did you say you're not a signatory to Wheatstone agreements, for example?‑‑‑We haven't signed on to that Wheatstone agreement.


The Wheatstone agreement was a greenfields agreement, wasn't it?‑‑‑Yes.


Or was it AWU.  I see?‑‑‑Yes.

***        PAUL FERREIRA                                                                                                                            XXN MS PAUL


I understand, yes.


MS PAUL:  Now, isn't it correct you've identified that one of the main issues you have, is for FIFO workers is the 4:1 roster?‑‑‑Yes.


Are you aware that the CFMEU negotiates agreements with a 4:1 roster, or acts as a bargaining agent in terms of negotiation of an agreement with a 4:1 roster?‑‑‑No.  Again, I've only just been back on board the last eight months.


That's fine.  Your Honour, I have no further questions of this witness, thank you.


VICE PRESIDENT HATCHER:  Do you have any re-examination, Mr Maxwell?


MR MAXWELL:  No I don't, your Honour.


VICE PRESIDENT HATCHER:  All right, thank you for your evidence Mr Ferreira.  You're excused and you're free to go?‑‑‑Okay, thank you.

<THE WITNESS WITHDREW                                                          [12.48 PM]


VICE PRESIDENT HATCHER:  Mr Schmitke, Ms Paul, unless you tell me you're going to finish the next witness in five minutes, we'll have to adjourn for lunch.


MR MAXWELL:  Sorry, your Honour, I was thinking of delving into the Commission, the remaining witness, Mr Woodward, is a fly-in-fly-out worker who has only just returned to Perth from his projects at 10.30 last night and he's keen to get away as soon as possible.


VICE PRESIDENT HATCHER:  How long do you think you'll be with this witness?  Mr Maxwell, you could have called this witness first, if you had that concern, but anyway.


MR SCHMITKE:  Your Honour, we will attempt to be quick, but yes.




MR SCHMITKE:  Ten minutes.

***        PAUL FERREIRA                                                                                                                            XXN MS PAUL


MS PAUL:  Your Honour, I'm possibly around 10 minutes as well, again, depending on the answers, maximum.


VICE PRESIDENT HATCHER:  All right, well call Mr Woodward.


Can you stand up Mr Woodward, while we administer the affirmation.




VICE PRESIDENT HATCHER:  Mr Woodward, do you have a copy of your witness statement with you?‑‑‑I do.  I've been given one yes.  I haven't had a chance to read much of it, but I've done my best.


Have you read it at some stage?‑‑‑I just had a flick through it now, correct, yes.


Are you prepared to say that the statement is true and correct to the best of your knowledge and belief?‑‑‑Yes.


The witness statement of Kris Woodward dated 2 December 2016 will be marked exhibit 37.





MR SCHMITKE:  Thank you, your Honour.  Mr Woodward, my name is Sean Schmitke from Master Builders.  Thanks for making yourself available to answer some questions.  I appreciate that you must be tired and I'm very sympathetic to sleep deprived individuals.


I just want to ask some questions about your statement, if I could please.  The paragraph 3 of your statement.  You've talked about the projects you've worked on, that have required you to live away from home.  You have RGP5.  What's RGP5?‑‑‑It's a Leightons joint venture with McMahons.


Do you know what RGP stands for?‑‑‑I'm not too sure.  It was a BHP rail line that we built.  I was on the bridge crew there.

***        KRISTOPHER JAMES WOODWARD                                                             XN VICE PRESIDENT HATCHER


Is that in the Pilbara region?‑‑‑Yes it is.


How far is that away from Perth roughly?‑‑‑I believe it's about a two-hour flight.  I couldn't tell you in kilometres, my geography is not very good, but yes, two hours on a plane.  It was outside of Port Hedland, 145 camp and Turner camp and Wandjina camp.  Near Karajini.  I'm sorry a little bit nervous at the moment, if I'm a bit croaky.


No, no, mate.  I'm not asking anything tricky, I'm just wanting to clarify some parts of your statement.  The Pluto project, is that Gap Ridge, the one you're referring to there?‑‑‑Correct.


Then the Karara project, whereabouts is that one?‑‑‑That is the Karara project is inland from   just trying to think of the small town, it will come to me in a minute. It's inland from Geraldton.


So again, quite remote from Perth?‑‑‑Correct.


Can you describe the facilities at RGP5 when you were there?‑‑‑


VICE PRESIDENT HATCHER:  You mean the camp facilities?


MR SCHMITKE:  Yes, sorry, the camp facilities?‑‑‑Just standard dongas and yes, it was a pretty small little intimate type of camp, the same as the others really.


Do you know who constructed that camp?‑‑‑I'm not sure, but it wasn't far from the FMG camp that blew away actually.  At the time, I remember driving past there and a few people pointed out that the basketball court was the only thing left standing and that's where that used to be.  We drove past it on the way to work, but I don't know who constructed the camp though.


In the camp, I'm just going to list a couple of facilities that might have been in the camp, and you can tell me whether or not you saw those facilities when you were there?‑‑‑Yes.


Did you see a beer garden?‑‑‑No, I don't think there was a beer garden there.

***        KRISTOPHER JAMES WOODWARD                                                             XN VICE PRESIDENT HATCHER


Was there any location where you could get a drink at like a pub or a tavern or something?‑‑‑There was a wet mess, yes.


Wet mess, yes, and was there a gymnasium?‑‑‑Yes, there was.


Were there communication rooms or facilities that you could access?‑‑‑Yes, I think so, I can't remember.  Yes, I'm pretty sure.  Basketball courts and stuff like that.


Thank you, Mr Woodward.  You live in Perth, is that right?‑‑‑That's correct, Inglewood.


How far is it to the Margaret River, just roughly?‑‑‑About   I think it's three hours.  I think three or four hours, yes.


Have you ever seen any construction projects in the Margaret River?‑‑‑No, I haven't, off the top of my head.


That's okay.  If you had a job in the Margaret River and you lived in Perth, do you think it's reasonable to go home each night after finishing the job?‑‑‑It would depend on the individual and their circumstances.  I would prefer not to drive three hours in a car.


Yes, so it's a drive to work in the morning for three hours and drive back for three hours, that's unreasonable, isn't it?‑‑‑Like I said it would depend on the individual, but for me I would prefer not to do it, yes.


VICE PRESIDENT HATCHER:  Based on Melbourne's current congestion, that happens frequently to some people.


MR SCHMITKE:  Mr Woodward, do you think that the Margaret River is a remote area?‑‑‑Probably   I'm not sure, maybe, yes.


It's not as though it's thousands of kilometres to get there via a two-hour flight.  You can drive there is three hours, so there's a bit of a difference isn't there?‑‑‑Three hours is a long way to drive, especially after a full shift of work.


If you were in the Margaret River, would you consider yourself to be in a remote part of Australia?‑‑‑I guess so, yes.

***        KRISTOPHER JAMES WOODWARD                                                             XN VICE PRESIDENT HATCHER


Just in relation to paragraph 16 of your statement in front of you.  If you could just have a look at that.  Specifically, I'm interested in the part that goes over to the second page where you're talking about the Optus tower?‑‑‑Yes.  Did you want me to elaborate?


Well no, my question to you is that you say there that we were told that Chevron had refuse this, and that's in relation to fixing internet issues.  Is that correct?‑‑‑That is correct.


Did you ask, or are you aware of anyone in the union, the CFMEU, who have asked Chevron directly to fix it?‑‑‑No, I'm aware of the Kellogg's joint venture, telecommunications supervisor asking them directly.


Why is it that Chevron   well, when you were there, who was the   were you employed by Chevron?‑‑‑No, I was employed by CB&I.


Did you ask your employer to fix this issue?‑‑‑Yes, we did, several times.  In fact, I believe we even got a petition organised and signed to help fix it.


Mr Woodward, am I right to say, that when you're working on these type projects, the facilities   the construction villages, those type of places, who arranges those?  Is it your employer at the time that provided you the accommodation?‑‑‑Unfortunately no.  It would be nice if it was that simple.  It's usually a third party like ESS controlled by the client, like Chevron.


It's not something that your employer had control over?‑‑‑I guess they have the chance to put forward scrutiny, if need be and partly organise it, but ultimately the accommodation comes under the control of the client.


Thank you, Mr Woodward.  They're all the questions I have.




MS PAUL:  Thank you, your Honour.

CROSS-EXAMINATION BY MS PAUL                                             [1.00 PM]

***        KRISTOPHER JAMES WOODWARD                                                                                           XXN MS PAUL


MS PAUL:  Mr Woodward, can I just pick up on the issue around the   sorry, in terms of you've indicated the evidence that you've been a FIFO worker for about 10 years?‑‑‑yes.


Whilst as a FIFO worker, have you lived in the same type of arrangement as you're currently living now, as in you're living in camp type arrangements?‑‑‑Yes.


For those 10 years, the circumstances of those type of camps et cetera, have been fairly similar to what you're experiencing now, on Barrow Island?‑‑‑I'm not at Barrow Island anymore, I have been made redundant, but yes, they are.


In terms of   you've listed a couple of projects you're working on, so the RGP5 at paragraph 3 of your statement, who was your employer on that?‑‑‑Leightons.


The Pluto one, who was your employer on that one?‑‑‑CB&I.




And, Barrow Island?‑‑‑CB&I.


You just said that you've been made redundant from Barrow Island.  Are you still doing FIFO work?‑‑‑Is my current job relevant?  I'd just rather talk about what's in the statement, to be honest   your Honour - - -


No, that's find, I'll withdraw the question.  My next question then is, during the employment periods you've had with   at the various projects you've talked about in paragraph 3, they've all been covered by enterprise agreements, haven't they?‑‑‑Correct.


I just want to take you to paragraph 11 of your statement?‑‑‑Sure.


VICE PRESIDENT HATCHER:  Mr Woodward, before you go on.  Giving your evidence, and bearing in mind that you affirmed the accuracy of your statement, do you want to change paragraph 1 of your statement?‑‑‑Yes, sorry, I don't know.  That's   yes, I don't know why that's there, sorry.  Sure, it's Central Avenue.

***        KRISTOPHER JAMES WOODWARD                                                                                           XXN MS PAUL


No, no, paragraph 1, which says you're currently employed as a rigger working on the Barrow Island project?‑‑‑Yes, sorry, your Honour.  When I wrote this, I was.  Things have happened quite quickly in the last three weeks.  Sure, I'd like to change it.


When did you get made redundant?‑‑‑Seven or eight weeks ago.


Go on Ms Paul.


MS PAUL:  If I can take you to paragraph 11, the last sentence in paragraph 11 you say "a pay cut was traded for shorter rosters"?‑‑‑Yes.


Could you just tell me what the pay cut was   approximate pay cut?‑‑‑I believe at the time we were trying to get what we call an industry standard of five per cent pay increases into our EBA, but it was really difficult negotiating and we had to come to sort of an agreement where we lowered that in order to get a more family friendly roster into the agreement.


What was the quantum of the pay cuts?‑‑‑I believe it went from five per cent yearly to five per cent across two years, or something like that.  Yes, it was a reduction.


VICE PRESIDENT HATCHER:  So it wasn't an actual pay cut, it was a lower than claimed increase?‑‑‑Yes, sorry, I just see it as a pay cut, but yes.  Yes, sorry, you are correct.


MS PAUL:  Thank you, your Honour.  I've got no further questions.


VICE PRESIDENT HATCHER:  Anything arising Mr Maxwell?


MR MAXWELL:  No, your Honour.


VICE PRESIDENT HATCHER:  All right, thank you very much Mr Woodward, you are now excused and free to go?‑‑‑Thanks very much, cheers.

<THE WITNESS WITHDREW                                                            [1.05 PM]


VICE PRESIDENT HATCHER:  We'll now adjourn for lunch and we'll resume at 2.15.

LUNCHEON ADJOURNMENT                                                           [1.05 PM]

***        KRISTOPHER JAMES WOODWARD                                                                                           XXN MS PAUL

RESUMED                                                                                               [2.18 PM]


VICE PRESIDENT HATCHER:  Mr Schmitke, Mr Glover is next.


MR SCHMITKE:  Yes, indeed, your Honour.  Mr Glover is in Sydney.


MR N NGUYEN:  Your Honour, it's Mr Nguyen in Sydney.  Your Honour, sorry, if I can just interrupt prior to proceedings beginning.  It's Mr Nguyen in Sydney, if I can please just enter an appearance.  It's Nguyen, initial N.  I appear for the Australian Manufacturing Workers Union.  Just in terms of logistics for the proceedings, if I can just advise the Commission that I'll be absent from the proceedings on Tuesday.  I'll be in attendance at the common issue regarding plain language redrafting.  There's a conference on the Tuesday of next week.  The AMWU has an interest in all of the proceedings here today in this matter.  However, our key interests in the all persons claim which is our claim and also the soil testing claim which is the AWU's claim.  Thanks, your Honour.


VICE PRESIDENT HATCHER:  Thank you.  Mr Schmitke.


MR SCHMITKE:  Thank you, your Honour.  Mr Glover is in the room and if I could ask him to step forward in Sydney.


VICE PRESIDENT HATCHER:  We are going to administer the oath in Sydney.

<PETER VIVIAN JAMES GLOVER, SWORN                                 [2.19 PM]

EXAMINATION-IN-CHIEF BY MR SCHMITKE                            [2.19 PM]


MR SCHMITKE:  Mr Glover, just checking that you can hear me okay?‑‑‑Yes, I can, thank you.


Mr Glover, have you prepared a statement in advance of these proceedings?‑‑‑Yes, I have.


Do you have a copy of that statement with you?‑‑‑I do.


Is that statement a statement of Peter Vivian James Glover, some 48 paragraphs long, dated 9 December 2016?‑‑‑That's correct.

***        PETER VIVIAN JAMES GLOVER                                                                                           XN MR SCHMITKE


Thank you.  I seek leave to have that tendered and marked as an exhibit.


VICE PRESIDENT HATCHER:  The witness statement of Peter Vivian James Glover dated 9 December 2016 will be marked exhibit 38.



MR SCHMITKE:  Thank you.  Your Honour, I have no additional questions at this point.




MR MAXWELL:  Yes, your Honour.

CROSS-EXAMINATION BY MR MAXWELL                                 [2.21 PM]


MR MAXWELL:  Mr Glover, in paragraph 9, you refer to confusion about the provisions of the distant work living away from home clause.  Do you see that?‑‑‑Yes, I do.


Do you agree that the wording in the award should be change to make the entitlements clearer?‑‑‑I think that would be helpful, yes.


Do you agree that the award should clearly differentiate between the options available under the award?  That is provide accommodation and meals or provide an allowance for accommodation, meals or perhaps provide accommodation allowance clause?‑‑‑Yes.


Do you agree that defining board and lodging would assist employers and employees?‑‑‑Yes, I do.


If I can turn to paragraph 17 of your statement?‑‑‑Yes.


You refer to the 50-kilometre radius for calculating the fares and travel patterns allowance?‑‑‑Yes.


You say that all these awards set the majority of metropolitan and country radial areas as being 50 kilometres?‑‑‑Yes.

***        PETER VIVIAN JAMES GLOVER                                                                                          XXN MR MAXWELL


Which awards are you referring to there?‑‑‑Well, in that historical context, I was referring to the old Builders Labourers Award and the old Tradesmen Award which was the Building and Construction - National Building Trades Construction Award.


If I can turn to jog your memory in regard to the National Building Trades Construction Award, how were the radial areas for Sydney determined?‑‑‑Well, for Sydney, of course, it was the County of Cumberland.  In fact, could I just say that if you would like me to amplify, in the sense that that was taken out of the award when the modern award was introduced because we were told we were no longer able to have a state differential.  But I have to say that from a practical point of view, I think that when you're talking about Sydney, the County of Cumberland is a very useful way of describing the radius around Sydney, not just from an historical point of view, but also I think it's recognised, even the majority, in fact, I think all of the New South Wales CFMEU agreements retained the County of Cumberland which I think is a good thing.


VICE PRESIDENT HATCHER:  That excludes Emu Plains, doesn't it?‑‑‑It goes as far as the river, I think, at Penrith, yes.


Yes, all right?‑‑‑Nepean River, I think it is.


MR MAXWELL:  But can you recall what the radial area was for South Australia - for Adelaide - under the National Building Trades Construction Award?‑‑‑Look, I can't be certain.  I think it was 50 kilometres, but I couldn't be certain.


Are you aware that it was 30 kilometres?‑‑‑No, I'm not.


Do you recall what radial area was used in Tasmania?‑‑‑No, but I'd imagine it was probably something similar.


Can you recall what the radial area was under the Building and Construction ACT Award?‑‑‑No, I can't.


Finally, can you recall what it was under the Building and Construction Northern Territory Award?‑‑‑It would probably surprise you, but the answer is:  no, I can't.

***        PETER VIVIAN JAMES GLOVER                                                                                          XXN MR MAXWELL


If I put it to you that the radial area in South Australia under the National Building Trades Construction Award was 30 kilometres, the radial area in Tasmania was 30 kilometres, the radial area under the Building and Construction ACT Award was 30 kilometres and the radial area under the Building and Construction Northern Territory was 32 kilometres, then you would accept that the majority of metropolitan areas were not based on a 50-kilometre radius?‑‑‑In an historical perspective, I'd have to accept that, yes.


In paragraph 18 of your statement, you refer to upgrades to many metropolitan and country roads since the older awards were made.  Just to clarify, which awards are you referring to?  Is it still the National Building Trades Construction Award 1975?‑‑‑Yes, yes, and the Builders Labourers Award 1978.


You then say that the time it would have taken to drive to particular sites has been in many cases reduced as a result of upgrades to modern motorways?‑‑‑In many cases, that's true, I believe.


Do you have any evidence to support that claim?‑‑‑Not that I could present or have presented in my statement, no.


Are there any studies that you can identify?‑‑‑Not off the top of my head, no.


You would agree that there have been substantial population increases in most capital cities since 1975?‑‑‑Yes, in most capital cities, but certainly the upgrade to roads are not confined to capital cities.  So, to that extent, I think one could say outside of capital cities, there's been an improvement in the roads, but not necessarily an increase in the population to that extent.


You would agree that there has been significant increase in car ownership levels since 1975?‑‑‑Yes, I'd agree with that.


You would agree that there has been a significant increase in road congestion in major metropolitan areas since 1975?‑‑‑Yes, I'd agree with that.


You would agree that increased congestion has led to longer travel times?‑‑‑Yes, yes, I would agree with that.  I suffer that every day myself.


Your Honour, I'd just like to hand Mr Glover a document that I filed last night.  It's the Austroads Research Report.  I think there's a copy in front of you, Mr Glover, of this document?‑‑‑Yes.


VICE PRESIDENT HATCHER:  This is the Congestion Reliability Review Summary?

***        PETER VIVIAN JAMES GLOVER                                                                                          XXN MR MAXWELL


MR MAXWELL:  That's correct, your Honour.




MR MAXWELL:  Mr Glover, I don't wish to take you very long through this agreement, but I just wanted to identify that it's a publication put out by Austroads.  Have you heard of Austroads?‑‑‑I've heard of them, yes.


You will see on page 2 that Austroads is governed by, in the middle column, that Austroads is governed by a board consisting of senior executive representatives from a range of main road departments and so forth?‑‑‑Yes, I see that, yes.


You will see under the acknowledgments that:  "We would like to acknowledge the assistance of Google in providing access to their maps and traffic data sets"?‑‑‑Yes, yes.


If I can take you to page 15 of that report?‑‑‑Yes, I have that.


You will see a graph there is titled, "Exhibit 6", and it says that time spent travelling to and from work has not changed significantly in Australia since the start of the 20th century?‑‑‑I see that, yes.


Faced with this evidence, do you still say that travel times have reduced?‑‑‑I believe they are outside of the major capital cities, but not necessarily so within major capital cities.


VICE PRESIDENT HATCHER:  Why have they reduced outside of major capital cities?‑‑‑Well, I believe because the population hasn't grown significantly and there's also been upgrades to roads in those country areas.


MR MAXWELL:  Have you got an example of the - Mr Glover, have you got any concrete examples of where that has occurred?‑‑‑Well, only anecdotal, from my own travels and experience around New South Wales, in particular, and I'm thinking some of the larger regional areas around New South Wales, the Waggas, the Dubbos, the Armidales, the Tamworths, those sorts of things, where I've experienced upgrades to roads and whilst there has been an increase in the population certainly in those areas, those population increases haven't been so significant as to cause, I think, greater malaise when travelling in those areas as opposed to say for the major capital cities.

***        PETER VIVIAN JAMES GLOVER                                                                                          XXN MR MAXWELL


But what percentage of construction occurs in those areas?‑‑‑Well, I think it varies.  It's hard to say.


If we took New South Wales, for example?‑‑‑Yes.


What percentage of construction work would occur within the metropolitan areas of Sydney, Newcastle and Wollongong compared to the country areas you have just mentioned?‑‑‑Well, obviously, there is more activity in the major capital cities and in that area you just articulated in your question.  But, you know, we have seen on occasions certain areas that have experienced construction growth and that growth may only go over perhaps a couple of years.  But, you know, I'm thinking places like Port Macquarie, for example, where a few years ago there was quite an uptake of new construction in that area and then it's perhaps waned a little bit in the last couple of years.


Would you agree that in general construction work or the increase in construction work is aligned with increase in population?‑‑‑Well, yes, because it's essentially a demand driven industry in that sense.


You stated before that it's your understanding that the 50 kilometre radius came in with the modern award in 2010; is that correct?‑‑‑That's right, yes.


Are you aware that the clause was based on one proposed by the MBA?‑‑‑Fifty kilometres?  No, I'm not aware I must say, of the detail of that, no.


If I can turn to paragraph 21 where you start to deal with shift work definitions?‑‑‑Yes.


You refer to the October 2013 decision on the shift work decision?‑‑‑Yes.


You say that the hours between 11 pm and 4.30 am were no longer covered in the definitions?‑‑‑Yes.


This is incorrect, isn't it?‑‑‑Well, there's certainly a gap that exists now in the shift provisions that wasn't there prior to that decision.  Essentially, there was no gap outside of where you had a morning, an afternoon, an early afternoon, a night shift, and there was no gap in the time, but now there is a gap.


How long are shifts under the award?‑‑‑Well, they normally go for eight hours.

***        PETER VIVIAN JAMES GLOVER                                                                                          XXN MR MAXWELL


You're aware that under the award, clause 34.1(a) defines a night shift as a shift commencing at or after 3 pm and before 11 pm?‑‑‑I think so.


Are you aware of that?‑‑‑I believe so.


If a shift started at 10.30 pm, when would it finish?‑‑‑Well, presumably an ordinary shift would finish eight hours later.


That would be approximately 6.30 am?‑‑‑It'd be pretty close.


Do you agree that the hours between 11 pm and 4.30 am are covered by that definition?‑‑‑That definition, yes.


You're aware that there was no evidence before the Commission in the 2012 review of employees being required to start work between 11 pm and 4.30 am?‑‑‑No, I'm not aware of that, but in my experience, I can say that in discussions with members it arises less, I have to say, on building sites where the structure is being built, but certainly fitout work is often performed out of hours, if you like, out of ordinary hours and I do know that the change to the award did create some difficulties for some sectors of the industry.


But you don't have any evidence of employees being required to start work between 11 pm and 4.30?‑‑‑Well, again, I can only relay conversations I've had with members who have said that they have contracts that do require them to start and finish within those periods from time to time.


But that evidence is only anecdotal evidence?‑‑‑Well, it is in as much as that's all I can provide here today, other than to say that I have had first-hand conversations with those employers in the past.


If I could take you to paragraph 32 which deals with the National Training Wage Award?‑‑‑Yes, yes.


Sorry, I withdraw that.  It refers to the National Training Wage?‑‑‑Yes.


You say that the Commission wants to delete clause 28 of the on-site award.  On what basis do you make that statement?‑‑‑That's advice, I have been provided by our national office.

***        PETER VIVIAN JAMES GLOVER                                                                                          XXN MR MAXWELL


Who provided that advice?‑‑‑Well, I think it's perhaps been over a period of time.  I can't recall now whether it was Mr Schmitke or his predecessor, Mr Calver.


Has anyone in the MBA advised you that that's not the case?‑‑‑No, they haven't.


If I can take you to paragraph 38 which deals with the provision of transport?‑‑‑Yes.


You refer to employers who provide a vehicle free of charge to their employees.  Do you see that?‑‑‑Yes, yes.


The award does not regulate what workers can and can't do if they are provided with a vehicle, does it?‑‑‑No, it doesn't.


You agree that the award only regulates what allowances are paid to employees who are provided with a vehicle and what travel time is paid to those employees?‑‑‑Yes.


If I can take you to paragraph 44?‑‑‑Yes.


You refer to X-rays for employees engaged in refractory brick work?‑‑‑Yes.


Are you aware of the health risks of working with refractory materials?‑‑‑I'm broadly aware of it.


On what basis do you say that payment for the cost of X-rays for employees engaged on refractory brick work is outdated?‑‑‑Well, I say that in respect of - that I'd have to say in our experience there is not a lot of refractory brick work being undertaken broadly across the industry.  I don't doubt that it does occur, but it's perhaps not as broadly carried out as other aspects of building work in the industry.  But having said that, I think that these matters are best regulated under health and safety legislation rather than the award trying to reach back which I think is in the past of trying to pay allowances for things that perhaps were rightly trying to be regulated by the award back in the 70s when the federal awards were first made.  But my view is that there's been a lot of health and safety water, if I can say, flow under the bridge since then and I think these things are better regulated under the health and safety framework, if I can put it that way, as opposed to the award itself and to that extent I think the award is perhaps a bit dated.

***        PETER VIVIAN JAMES GLOVER                                                                                          XXN MR MAXWELL


But does the work, health and safety legislation deal with the payment of allowances?‑‑‑No, it deals with the issue of minimisation of risk and I think that that's a better approach than paying - effectively paying an allowance to someone in order for them to be exposed to that risk.


If you work with refractory materials, then isn't there an ongoing risk that you'll be exposed to materials that can cause harm to you?‑‑‑Yes, but I think it needs to be also seen that we can't isolate that scenario from the obligation that employers have to ensure to the best as practicable that employees are not exposed to unsafe work practices.  So, what I'm saying, I suppose, is that I think it would be a better approach rather than just potentially exposing somebody to an unsafe situation and pay them an allowance, it would be far better not to pay the allowance and minimise the risk.


But this allowance isn't dealing with the risk.  It's dealing with the cost of an X-ray?‑‑‑Well, I think it's dealing with the consequence of a potential risk by requiring an X-ray.  I think that's the point.


But are you, therefore, saying that people should not use refractory materials?‑‑‑No, no, no, what I'm saying is that I think a better approach would be to ensure, as far as reasonably practicable, that that risk is minimised by the way that work is carried out through various PPE and other health and safety approaches that could be applied.


VICE PRESIDENT HATCHER:  Mr Glover, are you aware of any employee who was actually requested reimbursement under that clause?‑‑‑Not in recent years, your Honour, no.


MR MAXWELL:  Mr Glover, which members of the MBA New South Wales are refractory companies?‑‑‑Look, we've got over 8,000 members.  I couldn't off the top of my head reel off any one in particular.


Perhaps I can.  What about Veolia refractories?‑‑‑Okay.


Are they a member of the MBA New South Wales?‑‑‑I'm not certain.  I'm not certain.


And AGC Refractories, are they a member of the MBA of New South Wales?‑‑‑I'm not certain.

***        PETER VIVIAN JAMES GLOVER                                                                                          XXN MR MAXWELL


I won't take it any further?‑‑‑Okay.


If I can take you to clause 46 of your statement?‑‑‑Yes, yes.


It deals with the coverage of joinery work.  In clause 46, you refer to the definition of joinery work under the Joinery Award.  Are you familiar with the definition?‑‑‑Broadly, yes.


VICE PRESIDENT HATCHER:  Clause 46?‑‑‑I have the award here.




VICE PRESIDENT HATCHER:  What clause was that, Mr Maxwell?


MR MAXWELL:  Sorry, that paragraph 46, I was referring to in the statement.




MR MAXWELL:  Yes, I apologise.  Mr Glover, you have in front of you a copy of the Joinery and Building Trades Award 2010?‑‑‑Yes, I do.


If you can turn to clause 3?‑‑‑Yes.


And, in particular, clause 31, and you will see on - sorry, in paragraph 3.1?‑‑‑Yes.


You will see on page 6 of the award, at the top of the page there is a definition of joinery work?‑‑‑Yes, I have that.


You accept that under that definition, joinery work is limited to work for a joinery shop?‑‑‑Yes, that would be the case, yes.


That doesn't include an establishment on an on-site construction project?‑‑‑Correct, yes.


If you can turn to clause 4:  "Coverage"?‑‑‑Yes.

***        PETER VIVIAN JAMES GLOVER                                                                                          XXN MR MAXWELL


If you read clause 4.1, you will see that this award covers employers throughout Australia and employees in the joinery and building trades and occupations who are covered by the classifications in this award.  Do you see that?‑‑‑Yes, I have that.


If you look at clause 4.8?‑‑‑Yes, yes.


Do you accept that joinery and building trades and occupations are defined in the award?‑‑‑Yes, I do.


And that under 4.8(a) that the reference to "joinery" is to joinery work?‑‑‑Yes, yes, yes, I see that.


If you return to clause 4.1(a), under clause 4.1, there are a number of exclusions?‑‑‑Yes.


You will see in (a) that the award doesn't cover an employee who is outside the scope of 4.8(a)?‑‑‑Yes.


Unless such an employer employs an employee are covered by 4.8(b) and they're not covered by another modern award containing a classification which is more appropriate?‑‑‑Yes.


You will see over in (d) that it doesn't cover employers of employees covered by the Building and Construction General On-Site Award?‑‑‑Yes, I see that, I see that.


So, is it not clear that the on-site work is not covered by the joinery work?‑‑‑Well, not necessarily, in my view.  Whilst I follow the logic of the questioning, 4.8(b), for example, in (iii) covers carpenter and in four covers painter, and - sorry, five - six, sorry, covers painter and, for example, eight, plasterer.  Well, in my experience, it's not uncommon for those classifications to be engaged in a joining shop, but also it's not uncommon, in my experience for those classifications from time to time to be required to go to site to fit or fix those products, if you like, that have been made in the joinery shop.

***        PETER VIVIAN JAMES GLOVER                                                                                          XXN MR MAXWELL


But you accept that under clause 3.1, the definition of joinery work doesn't include on-site construction?‑‑‑It doesn't, no.  It doesn't, but, as I say, if one went back to the pre-modern award, of course, there was a recognition under the pre-modern Joinery Award, if I can refer to it as that, there was a requirement from time to time for these employees to go to site, but that recognition broadly seems to have been lost with the advent of the modern award.


Mr Glover, if I can take you to the National Joinery and Building Trades Products Award 2002, is that the award you're referring to?‑‑‑I think that's the one.


You should have in front of you clause 21 from that award?‑‑‑The mixed functions clause?


Yes?‑‑‑Yes, I see that.


You're aware of that clause?‑‑‑I recall that clause.


You recall that clause.  Can you just read to yourself clause 21.2.1?‑‑‑Certainly.  Yes, I've read that, thank you.


Would you agree that under that clause if a person worked on site, they were paid the rates, allowances and, where applicable, conditions of the National Building and Construction Industry Award 2000 as varied from time to time?‑‑‑Yes, I'd agree with that.


Do you accept that the Building and Construction General On-Site Award is the successor award to the 2000 award?‑‑‑Yes, yes.


Your Honour, I just need to tender that extract.


VICE PRESIDENT HATCHER:  The Austroads - what extract?


MR MAXWELL:  I'm sorry.  Your Honour, can I tender the Austroads document.


VICE PRESIDENT HATCHER:  All right, I'll start with that.  The extract from the Austroads Congestion and Reliability Review Summary will be marked exhibit 39.


***        PETER VIVIAN JAMES GLOVER                                                                                          XXN MR MAXWELL


MR MAXWELL:  Your Honour, to the extent that it's necessary, can we seek to have the Joinery and Building Trades Award 2010 marked as an exhibit?


VICE PRESIDENT HATCHER:  Yes, just hold on.  What was the document again, Mr Maxwell?


MR MAXWELL:  It's the copy of the Joinery and Building Trades Award 2010.


VICE PRESIDENT HATCHER:  You don't need to tender that.


MR MAXWELL:  Can I have the clause 21 of the National Joinery and Building Trades Products Award 2002 tendered?


VICE PRESIDENT HATCHER:  All right.  The extract of clause 24 of the Building and Construction General On-Site Award 2010 will be marked exhibit 40.


MR MAXWELL:  Sorry, your Honour, the document I was referring to was clause 21 from the National Joinery and Building Trades Products Award 2002.


VICE PRESIDENT HATCHER:  I will cancel that 40.  I'm just trying to find this, Mr Maxwell.  I'm not sure we have it.


DEPUTY PRESIDENT GOSTENCNIK:  Mr Maxwell, while we're looking for that document, can I ask you this, the extract from the Austroads Research Report, in particular the graph which is entitled, "Exhibit 6", what do you say that tells us?


MR MAXWELL:  Your Honour, that tells us that the time spent travelling to and from work has not changed significantly since the start of the 20th century.  So, in other words, that since the National Building Trades Construction Award of 1975 up until the present time that travel times have not increased in the major capital cities.


DEPUTY PRESIDENT GOSTENCNIK:  But it also tell us that the average length of the trip has increased, so they're relative comparisons, are they not?  For example, in 1900, unsurprisingly, it took someone over 60 minutes to travel two and a half kilometres.

***        PETER VIVIAN JAMES GLOVER                                                                                          XXN MR MAXWELL


MR MAXWELL:  Yes, yes, but if you look at the 1975, the graph tells us that the average trip length in kilometres was seven kilometres and the average travel time was approximately 65 minutes.


DEPUTY PRESIDENT GOSTENCNIK:  Nineteen which, sorry?


MR MAXWELL:  1975.




MR MAXWELL:  Which was the award that Mr Glover referred to, the National Building Trades Construction Award 1975 and - - -


DEPUTY PRESIDENT GOSTENCNIK:  Yes.  So, your point is that since 1975, both the average length travelled and the average time travelled have not changed significantly?


MR MAXWELL:  They have not changed significantly.  If anything, they have increased.


DEPUTY PRESIDENT GOSTENCNIK:  In that period from 75?


MR MAXWELL:  Yes, that's right.


DEPUTY PRESIDENT GOSTENCNIK:  Mr Maxwell, one question I have about that time is you have two axes.  You have minutes per day on one side, an average trip length in kilometres in the other, and the lines in between seem to refer to both.  So, how does that work?


MR MAXWELL:  Your Honour, perhaps if I can explain it this way.  I did provide a fully copy of the summary report to the Commission.  The top line in the coloured version is marked in blue and under the table, that refers to the average time spent travelling.




VICE PRESIDENT HATCHER:  The top line you refer to the left-hand axis, the bottom line you refer to the right-hand axis.

***        PETER VIVIAN JAMES GLOVER                                                                                          XXN MR MAXWELL


MR MAXWELL:  That's correct.




VICE PRESIDENT HATCHER:  Yes, clause 21 of the National Joinery and Building Trades Products Award 2002 will be marked exhibit 40.



MR MAXWELL:  Thank you, your Honour.  Your Honour, I have no further questions of the witness.


VICE PRESIDENT HATCHER:  Thank you.  Any re-examination, Mr Schmitke?




VICE PRESIDENT HATCHER:  All right.  Thank you for your evidence, Mr Glover, you're excused.  You're now free to go?‑‑‑Thank you, your Honour.

<THE WITNESS WITHDREW                                                            [2.52 PM]


VICE PRESIDENT HATCHER:  All right, so, Mr Crawford.


MR CRAWFORD:  Yes, your Honour.  The first witness I'd like to call is Mr Muller, Geoff Muller.


VICE PRESIDENT HATCHER:  Muller, all right.

<GEOFFREY LEE MULLER, AFFIRMED                                      [2.53 PM]

EXAMINATION-IN-CHIEF BY MR CRAWFORD                          [2.53 PM]




MR CRAWFORD:  Thank you, your Honour.

***        GEOFFREY LEE MULLER                                                                                                  XN MR CRAWFORD


Mr Muller, have you provided a statement in these proceedings?‑‑‑Yes.


Do you have a copy with you?‑‑‑I do.


Did you sign that statement on 1 December 2016?‑‑‑I did.


To the best of your knowledge, is the content of that statement true and accurate?‑‑‑Yes.


I seek to tender the statement, your Honour.


VICE PRESIDENT HATCHER:  Yes, the statement of Geoff Muller dated 1 December 2016 will be marked exhibit 41.



MR CRAWFORD:  Just one question, your Honour.


Mr Muller, can you please confirm which sites you're currently working on for Coffey?‑‑‑Yes, I work on the Sydney Light Rail Project for ACCIONA, core drilling.  I work on the M5 East Project testing concrete, shotcrete.  I also work on the M4 widening doing core drilling.  A few others as well.


Thank you.  Nothing further.


VICE PRESIDENT HATCHER:  Mr Muller, just so I understand that, you don't work on a single project at any given time.  You are moving from one project to another, are you?‑‑‑Correct.


How long might you spend on any given project at a time?  A day or part of a day or week or what?‑‑‑Yes, well, it just depends on what they've got planned for that day.  At the moment, I've been doing a fair bit of night work on the M4 core drilling, so I'll work from - I'll spend all night drilling, so, all day at that project.  But during the days, there might be a Metro Mix concrete pour that comes up, so we'll go and test and then we'll be sent over for a trial test over at the M5 East which might take four or five hours.  And then we could be sent to another M5 location as well.  It just varies from day to day.

***        GEOFFREY LEE MULLER                                                                                                  XN MR CRAWFORD


You might work at two or three different projects or parts of the projects in a given day?‑‑‑Yes, well, I mean, anything up to, like, 15 projects all up might be the case, you know.


Yes, all right.  Thank you.  So, who wants to cross-examine this witness?  Go ahead, Ms Hogg.

CROSS-EXAMINATION BY MS HOGG                                           [2.56 PM]


MS HOGG:  Mr Muller, it's Ms Hogg in Melbourne.  Can you hear me?‑‑‑Yes, I can.


Excellent.  Just wanted to clarify.  It can be a bit funny on the video link sometimes.  Now, I just want to ask you a few questions in relation to your statement.  So, if I could take you to paragraph 7 of your statement to start with, now, in paragraph 7 of your statement, you state that you're not aware of any of your workmates in the concrete section having a Certificate III in Laboratory Skills or any other similar testing qualifications; is that correct?‑‑‑Yes, that's correct.


How many of your workmates in the concrete section have you spoken to about this?‑‑‑Well, when you are - no one has actually ever said they've had Certificate IIIs or any certificates.  I have never heard of anyone saying they've had a certificate.  In my place of work, they just don't.  They don't even say it.


But you haven't specifically asked your workmates if they have a Certificate III?‑‑‑There'd be no need.  If anyone was to have a Certificate III, I'd know about it.  It's a small - - -


How?  Could I ask how would you know?‑‑‑Well, we talk to each other.  We talk to each other about what we're doing, about what projects we're on.  If anyone was doing a course, then they wouldn't be out doing the work and you'd know about it.  If anyone goes off to do an induction, we find out, you know.  If anyone's out of action for a day or two, we ask where they've been.


The reality is that your workmates could have had a Certificate III before they came to work for Coffey; isn't that correct?‑‑‑If they had, then they'd probably be in the office.  They wouldn't probably be out doing the work.

***        GEOFFREY LEE MULLER                                                                                                           XXN MS HOGG


The fact remains, though, at the end of the day, you haven't specifically asked the question of your workmates if they have a Certificate III.  That's correct, isn't it?  You haven't asked them?‑‑‑No, I haven't.


It's just sort of general know-how and working around people that you say you have this knowledge that no one has got a Certificate III; is that correct?‑‑‑Yes, well, any time anyone gets a licence to do anything or learns how to do something else, you know, we talk to each other about it.  Like, I want to get a forklift licence, but that hasn't happened yet, but know some of the other people have.


None of your workmates are here giving evidence today that they don't have these certificates or qualifications?‑‑‑No.


VICE PRESIDENT HATCHER:  Are you going to put it to the witness that he has actually wrong about this or this is just a case of whether he knows or not?


MS HOGG:  I'm getting to that.




MS HOGG:  Sorry.


So, Mr Muller, I put it to you that you're actually incorrect that your colleagues don't have Certificate IIIs and other qualifications because you simply don't know?‑‑‑Can I just ask what is a Certificate III?


It's in your statement, so I'd expect you to know what it is?‑‑‑Well, I'm not aware of any of my workmates in the concrete section have a Certificate III.  I don't even know what a Certificate III is.


Okay, thank you.


VICE PRESIDENT HATCHER:  Just to be clear, you are putting to the witness that, in fact, some or all of them do have the Certificate III?


MS HOGG:  I'm putting it to him that they don't have the certificate.


VICE PRESIDENT HATCHER:  Do you know that?  I am putting the same question to you that you have just put to this witness.  I'm putting those questions to you.

***        GEOFFREY LEE MULLER                                                                                                           XXN MS HOGG


MS HOGG:  It's not within my knowledge, but this witness is asserting that it is within your knowledge.


VICE PRESIDENT HATCHER:  All he is asserting is he is not aware.


MS HOGG:  Okay.


VICE PRESIDENT HATCHER:  He is not wrong about that, is he?  He is not aware.


MS HOGG:  He is not aware, no.




MS HOGG:  I think that's the answer.  He is not aware.


VICE PRESIDENT HATCHER:  That's what he said.


MS HOGG:  Now, Mr Muller, you work in the concrete section; is that correct?‑‑‑That's correct.


A lot of the evidence that you're giving here today, is that relevant to that section of the business that you work in which is the concrete section?‑‑‑Correct, yes.


Correct, okay.  And is it correct that whilst there is a concrete section, Coffey does have other testing divisions?‑‑‑Yes, soil testing and there's a specialised testing that it's moved into, into the office (indistinct) as well.


You don't work in those other sections, though.  You're predominantly in the concrete testing?‑‑‑I have done some investigation work for the soil section and some of my coring work on some of the projects is for the soil section.  The ACCIONA Sydney Light Rail Project is taken control of by our soil section and I go out and do the concrete coring for them.


If I can take you to paragraph 10 of your statement, in paragraph 10 you state that:  "We normally get a phone call the night before or the day before telling us where to start from the next day and the type of work that we have to do."

***        GEOFFREY LEE MULLER                                                                                                           XXN MS HOGG


VICE PRESIDENT HATCHER:  What paragraph is that?


MS HOGG:  Paragraph 10, your Honour?‑‑‑Yes, I think it is 12 or 10.  No, it's ten.


Sorry, sorry, no, it is 12.  My apologies?‑‑‑Yes, 12, yes.


My apologies, it is paragraph 12?‑‑‑Yes.


Could I clarify, Mr Muller, when you say "we", are you actually referring to your experience with how the work is allocated?‑‑‑That'd be pretty much everybody gets the phone calls or gets told where they're working at.  Sometimes if you're actually been dropping off at the end of the day, there'll be a group of testers hanging around the allocator's desk and getting told where they'll be working the next day.  The people that aren't there get a phone call or a text message and that goes in the diary as a tick that the testers have been told or if they've only been texted, then that will be written down as well.


If I move on to paragraph 17 of your statement you talk about spending 98 per cent of your time on construction sites; is that correct?‑‑‑Correct, yes.


I put it to you that you actually spend a smaller portion of your time on construction sites?‑‑‑Well, all my work is done on construction sites.  I don't do any of the lab work.  I come back to the lab just to drop off tests and concrete and mark it up and put it into water, but I would think it's close to 100 per cent of my time is on construction sites or driving to and from.


There would be a portion of your time spent driving?‑‑‑Yes, a lot of my time is spent driving.


Another portion of your time, albeit potentially smaller, where you go to the lab and might do some work there?‑‑‑If it rains.


That's another circumstance in which you might find yourself working in a lab?‑‑‑Correct.


Weather conditions might determine whether you're going to go on site or not?‑‑‑Yes, but even in the lab, we'd just be cleaning cylinders that get used out on the construction sites.  I mean, we wouldn't be doing much else.

***        GEOFFREY LEE MULLER                                                                                                           XXN MS HOGG


Isn't it the case, though, that the amount of time that you're going to spend on a site is really going to be dependent on if there is a lab on site?‑‑‑Sorry, lab on site?


My understanding with the testing work is that in not in every project a lab will be set up on site.  So, isn't there going to be some degree of variation between the amount of time you're going to spend on site?‑‑‑The only sites where there might be a testing facility on site would be the projects and I'm not in Coffey projects, so all the sites, there is no lab set up.


There is no testing facilities on the construction site?‑‑‑No, the only - the only test that might be carried out on construction sites are tests that need to be carried out there, like with the - like with the fresh material.


Otherwise, would it involve the collection of samples from the construction site and delivering those back to the laboratories?‑‑‑We do the tests on site, so we do a slump, so we fill up a cone and lift it up and see how much it drops.  We fill up some cylinders maybe some beams or I do coring and then the next day they get picked up, the cylinders, and dropped back to the lab for curing.


If I can take you to paragraph 18 of your statement, in that particular paragraph, you estimate that employees in the concrete section spend at least 95 per cent of their time on construction sites; is that correct?‑‑‑That's correct.


If I just jump back, in paragraph 11 of your statement, you state that you mostly work on your own; is that correct?‑‑‑That's correct.


I put it to you that you could not possibly know what your other colleagues are doing for 95 per cent of the time if you were mostly working alone?‑‑‑I mean, we don't see each other sometimes for a few days or a week.  You might not see another tester that you work with for a couple of weeks, so you find out where they've been, if they've been away or if they've been job sites somewhere.  So, you'd talk.  That's how I come to my conclusion.


Just to clarify, none of your other colleagues from the concrete section are giving evidence today, are they?‑‑‑That's correct.


Thank you.  No more questions.


VICE PRESIDENT HATCHER:  Any re-examination, Mr Crawford?

***        GEOFFREY LEE MULLER                                                                                                           XXN MS HOGG


MR CRAWFORD:  No, thank you, your Honour.


VICE PRESIDENT HATCHER:  All right, thank you for your evidence, Mr Muller, you're excused.  You're now free to go?‑‑‑Thank you, your Honour.

<THE WITNESS WITHDREW                                                            [3.07 PM]


VICE PRESIDENT HATCHER:  So, who is next, Mr Crawford?


MR CRAWFORD:  Tony Callinan, your Honour.



<ANTHONY CALLINAN, AFFIRMED                                              [3.08 PM]

EXAMINATION-IN-CHIEF BY MR CRAWFORD                          [3.08 PM]




MR CRAWFORD:  Thank you, your Honour.


Mr Callinan, have you provided a statement in these proceedings?‑‑‑Yes, I have.


Do you have a copy with you?‑‑‑Yes.


Did you sign that statement on 30 November 2016?‑‑‑Yes.


To the best of your knowledge, is the content of that statement true and accurate?‑‑‑Yes, it is.


Thank you.  Nothing further, your Honour.


VICE PRESIDENT HATCHER:  Yes, the statement of Anthony Callinan, dated 30 November 2016, which Mr Crawford tenders, will be marked exhibit 42.


***        ANTHONY CALLINAN                                                                                                         XN MR CRAWFORD




MS HOGG:  Thank you.

CROSS-EXAMINATION BY MS HOGG                                           [3.09 PM]


MS HOGG:  Good afternoon, Mr Callinan, my name is Ms Hogg and I'll be cross-examining you this afternoon.  Are you able to hear me clearly?‑‑‑Yes, I am.


Excellent.  Mr Callinan, could I take you to paragraph 5 of your statement.  In paragraph 5, you give evidence that you first encountered Coffey back in 2007 and that was on the Coopernook project; is that correct?‑‑‑Coopernook to Herons Creek, yes, on the mid-North Coast of New South Wales.


This was not long after you had started with the AWU?‑‑‑Yes, that's correct.


What was your position at that point in time?‑‑‑Construction organiser for the AWU in Newcastle, Central Coast and Northern Regions Branch.


In that role, you would have been responsible for a large number of members over a broad area?‑‑‑Yes, that project was - well, Coopernook to Herons Creek is Johns River on the mid-North Coast right from there back down to Newcastle and the Hunter region, yes, over a large area.


Would it be fair to say that the members who were on that project, they weren't the only members that you were looking after at that point in time?‑‑‑That's correct, I, yes, had many members.


You would agree then that you did not spend every day at the Coopernook Project watching the members and, indeed, any employee of Coffey performing their testing duties?‑‑‑Not every day, no.


Notwithstanding the fact that you may have been on site - sorry, I withdraw that.  In your statement - sorry, I'm just trying to find where it is.  In paragraph 6 of your statement you state that there was a temporary laboratory adjacent to the work site?‑‑‑Yes, that's correct, adjacent to the Thiess workshop actually.

***        ANTHONY CALLINAN                                                                                                                  XXN MS HOGG


The employees operated out of that work site for the duration of the project?‑‑‑Yes, that's right.  I use the term "temporary laboratory" there.  It's more adequately described as a tin shed, to be honest with you.  I think "laboratory" conjures up images of people in white dust coats doing technical tests with beakers and microscopes rather than men wearing high visibility clothing in a tin shed playing with buckets of dirt.


I put it to you that you couldn't know if all the testing was done on site for that project because you weren't there every day to see the day to day running of the operation?‑‑‑No, I don't agree with that.  All the testing was done on that site.  The closest other laboratory was in Port Macquarie, approximately and hour and a half's drive away and I know for a fact that all of the testing for that job was done on that project by those men in that shed.


How do you know that?‑‑‑Because I consulted with my members on that site regularly when I was there and I know that the work is done on the site.  It wasn't conducted off site.


But you haven't called any of those members here today to give evidence?‑‑‑No, I haven't.


VICE PRESIDENT HATCHER:  Do you actually have instructions whether this is right or wrong?




VICE PRESIDENT HATCHER:  Are you putting to the witness that what he says is wrong?


MS HOGG:  I am enquiring whether it is incorrect, yes.


VICE PRESIDENT HATCHER:  No, but you don't actually have instructions to put to him that this is, in fact, incorrect?






MS HOGG:  In paragraph 7 of your statement, if I can take you there, you refer to the ECLA Award, if I can call it the ECLA Award as a short?‑‑‑Yes, that's what I refer to it as, yes.

***        ANTHONY CALLINAN                                                                                                                  XXN MS HOGG


You mention that Coffey was still applying the ECLA Award in 2007?‑‑‑That's correct.


I put it to you that the reason that Coffey would have been applying the ECLA Award is because they were a respondent to the ECLA Award; is that correct?‑‑‑As was the - yes, as was the AWU.


I put it to you that at the time the ECLA Award was in operation, it only applied to those employees who were named in the award as respondents?‑‑‑That's my understanding, yes.  It was an extensive list, though.


Thank you.  If I can take you to paragraphs 11 and 12 of your statement?‑‑‑Yes.


In paragraphs 11 and 12, you give evidence that nearly all of the Coffey employees who worked on the Hunter Expressway Alliance Project, they worked on site and they carry out tests on site and not at the Warabrook laboratory; is that correct?‑‑‑Yes, that is 100 per cent correct.  I can give you details of how I know that is correct, if you'd like.


Yes, thank you?‑‑‑At the time I was conducting a recruitment campaign for the AWU and I was visiting both sites at Warabrook and the Hunter Expressway as well as the Leighton's project on the Kempsey bypass with Mark Hughes.  We were extensively mapping out potential members of the union that worked for that company and were trying to cross-reference employees that knew each other to develop a communication network and none of them knew each other.


If I could just take you down, paragraph 14 onwards in your statement, you discuss that the AWU commenced negotiations with Coffey in about 2011 for an enterprise agreement; is that correct?‑‑‑Yes, that was after we'd started to try and - that on the back of that recruitment campaign I was just referring to previously, we'd written to the company and asked them to negotiate an agreement because we had signed up members on a number of those construction sites.


A majority of employees, there was an agreement reached, an enterprise agreement was reached that a majority of employees voted to approve the agreement?‑‑‑Yes, we initially sought an agreement to cover our members at the Leighton's Kempsey Bypass Project and the company subsequently commenced negotiations for a national agreement and it was eventually voted up by a majority of employees across Australia.

***        ANTHONY CALLINAN                                                                                                                  XXN MS HOGG


When it came time for the approval of the enterprise agreement, the AWU opposed this?‑‑‑Yes, we did.


That was based on your belief that the correct reference instrument for the BOOT test was the Building and Construction General On-site Award and not the Manufacturing and Associated Industries Award?‑‑‑Yes, that was one of the reasons.  I put that position to the company a number of times right from the beginning of negotiations as all our members were solely employed on construction projects that we were representing.


The Commission rejected that argument; is that correct?‑‑‑Yes, that's correct.


That matter was appealed and later upheld; is that correct?‑‑‑Yes, it was.


Do you agree that in the absence of the Coffey Agreement in operation, testing employees would be covered by the Manufacturing Award?


VICE PRESIDENT HATCHER:  Sorry, Ms Hogg, just to be clear, when you say it was upheld, do you say that the decision was upheld or the appeal was upheld?


MS HOGG:  Yes, the decision at first instance was upheld.


VICE PRESIDENT HATCHER:  So, the appeal was dismissed.


MS HOGG:  The appeal was dismissed, that's correct.




MS HOGG:  Do you agree that in the absence of the Coffey Agreement being in operation, testing employees would be covered by the Manufacturing Award?‑‑‑No, I wouldn't and I argued that point at the time prior to the agreement because the members I represented at that time and still to this time only perform work on construction sites.  So, you know, I had a number of disputes with Coffeys during the Hunter Expressway Agreement prior to the agreement and one that I remember vividly was in relation to the inclement weather provisions of the on-site award and the company applied those provisions and relieved the employees from duty when there was no productive work to do during periods of inclement weather.  There are no such provisions in the Manufacturing Award.

***        ANTHONY CALLINAN                                                                                                                  XXN MS HOGG


If the Manufacturing Award was to apply, do you accept that the Manufacturing Award sets out minimum terms and conditions of employment for the people who are covered by that award?


MR CRAWFORD:  Objection.  This seems to be a test of Mr Callinan's legal knowledge as opposed to any cross-examination of the content of his witness statement.


VICE PRESIDENT HATCHER:  I think we can all take it as a given that the Manufacturing Award sets minimum terms and conditions by those who it covers, can't we?  We don't need the witness to tell us that.


MR CRAWFORD:  Yes, I accept it.


MS HOGG:  Thank you.


Just in relation to paragraph 21 of your statement, in paragraph 21, you give some evidence that employees who work in Coffey's permanent labs do testing work solely for the civil and construction industry; is that correct?‑‑‑Yes, that's correct.


You also state that some jobs do not warrant setting up an on site workshop; is that correct?‑‑‑Yes that's correct.


Then I'd put it to you that not all testing work for Coffey is done on construction sites.  Would you agree with that?‑‑‑No, I wouldn't agree with that.  The sampling - so, in my statement there, I'm saying that the testing is done on construction sites for construction work.  For example, you wouldn't conduct a test on sand that was going into a child's sandpit to play in.  You wouldn't conduct tests on soil that is being placed into a garden or something like that.  You only test the compaction of soil, sand and concrete being used in heavy construction.  For example, as is contained elsewhere in my statement, you don't even usually test concrete other than at the batch plan for driveway, slabs, footpaths.  You know, the testing they do is for heavy construction industry projects.


Yes, but my question is, if a lab - in your evidence you're saying that some jobs don't warrant a lab being set up on site.  So, if that's not the case, wouldn't some samples be going to external labs for testing?‑‑‑The labs on site are set up when there is an extremely large amount of construction work to be done, for example, a four or six-lane freeway that is 15 kilometres long.  You wouldn't set a lab up on site for a small road repair that may be 100 metres long.  The testing is still done on site, but there is no laboratory and if there was - - -

***        ANTHONY CALLINAN                                                                                                                  XXN MS HOGG


VICE PRESIDENT HATCHER:  Mr Callinan, I think what is being put is that it must follow from the second sentence of paragraph 21 that at least for some civil construction work, the testing is done off site in permanent labs?‑‑‑-Yes, so some of the samples, if there was further testing required that they didn't do in the field, for example, the slump testing they do in the field, some of the compaction testing they do in the field.  But if there was a sample required to be taken, for example, for a sieve test, it would return to a laboratory.  But that work is still for the civil construction industry.


Thank you.


MS HOGG:  Thank you.


If I could take you now to paragraphs 28 to 41 of your statement, in those paragraphs, you make some general comments on slump testing and then in paragraphs 42 to 51 of your statement, you make some general comments on soil compaction testing; is that correct?--Yes, that's correct.


The comments that you have made, they specifically relate to the HEA Project; is that correct?‑‑‑That's correct.


I put it to you that the evidence that you have given in relation to slump testing is not something that applies to all of Coffey's operations?‑‑‑Well, it applies to all of Coffey's operations where they're performing a slump test on concrete, whether it's done on the HEA, the M5, the M1, if you're performing a slump test on concrete that's being used to build a road, the test is the same.  My reference to the HEA is because it's my most recent major civil construction project in the Newcastle area that I had members on in this industry.


The information that you have presented comes from your discussions with your members?‑‑‑Yes, and my observation of those tests in gathering evidence for previous hearings and witness statements.


But none of those employees have been called today, have they, as witnesses?‑‑‑No, they haven't.


Thank you.  No further questions.


VICE PRESIDENT HATCHER:  Any re-examination, Mr Crawford?

***        ANTHONY CALLINAN                                                                                                                  XXN MS HOGG


MR CRAWFORD:  No, thank you, your Honour.


VICE PRESIDENT HATCHER:  Thank you for your evidence, Mr Callinan, you're excused and you're free to go.

<THE WITNESS WITHDREW                                                            [3.23 PM]


VICE PRESIDENT HATCHER:  Mr Buhler, is he the last witness, Mr Crawford?


MR CRAWFORD:  Yes, he is, your Honour.

<JEFFREY EDWARD BUHLER, AFFIRMED                                 [3.24 PM]

EXAMINATION-IN-CHIEF BY MR CRAWFORD                          [3.24 PM]




MR CRAWFORD:  Thank you, your Honour.


Mr Buhler, have you prepared a statement in these proceedings?‑‑‑Yes, I have.


Do you have a copy with you?‑‑‑I certainly do.


Did you sign that statement on 30 November 2016?‑‑‑Yes, I did.


To the best of your knowledge, is that statement true and accurate?‑‑‑Yes, it is.


I would like to tender that statement, your Honour.


VICE PRESIDENT HATCHER:  The statement of Jeff Buhler dated 20 November 2016 will be marked exhibit 43.



***        JEFFREY EDWARD BUHLER                                                                                             XN MR CRAWFORD

***        JEFFREY EDWARD BUHLER                                                                                                     XXN MS HOGG


CROSS-EXAMINATION BY MS HOGG                                           [3.24 PM]


MS HOGG:  Mr Buhler, Ms Hogg here.  Are you able to hear me clearly?‑‑‑Yes, I can.


Thank you.  I'll just be taking you through a few questions about your statement?‑‑‑Yes.


In your witness statement, there are a number of general comments that are made concerning the construction industry.  If I could take you to paragraph 6 of your statement?‑‑‑Yes.


In that particular paragraph you state or you give evidence that the construction companies generally outsource testing work to companies like Coffey because of their independence; is that correct?‑‑‑That's correct.


On what basis do you make that assertion, Mr Buhler?‑‑‑From talking to our members out on site that they are employed by all the different construction companies out there and also dealing with the concrete companies themselves, like Metro Mix, who do you have an arrangement with Coffey to do their testing.


In paragraph 7 of your statement, you give evidence that members spend the overwhelming majority of their time on site and generally only attend the base laboratories to deliver samples, hand in paperwork, or attend meetings; is that correct?‑‑‑That's correct.


I put it to you that that's not, in fact, the case, that there is a greater percentage of work done at the laboratories?‑‑‑That's not true.  The reason why I believe that that's the case is that if I need to ring one of our members, generally, nine times out of ten, they're actually on site.  I've never actually had to meet any of our members if I need to personally see them at the laboratories.  The only I have ever actually attended the laboratory was to conduct EBA negotiations or have a meeting.  So, every time that I have ever had to make a phone call to one of our members, they've always told me that they are always on site.


Are we talking a large number of members, comparative to the workforce, I suppose?‑‑‑We've got members, yes.


But, obviously, your interactions are confined to the members and the segment of the workforce that you're representing?‑‑‑That's correct.

***        JEFFREY EDWARD BUHLER                                                                                                     XXN MS HOGG


In paragraph 8 of your statement, you give evidence that your members receive in-house training from Coffey, but are not required to have any external qualifications; is that correct?‑‑‑That's correct.


Is this opinion based on your discussions with AWU members?‑‑‑That's correct.


Are you aware if any of your members have qualifications?  Have you asked them?‑‑‑Yes, I have.  Geoff Muller who gave evidence just before is a qualified plumber.  That's one of the questions that you, sort of, ask people about their background, what they've done previously, sort of leading questions, you know, when you meet them first up.


But not necessarily a relevant qualification to testing work?‑‑‑That's correct, yes, and also one of the - we always ask what sort of training has been doing, you know, safety training, do you have tool boxes and all that sort of stuff.


Thank you.  Nothing further.


VICE PRESIDENT HATCHER:  Re-examination, Mr Crawford?


MR CRAWFORD:  No, thank you, your Honour.


VICE PRESIDENT HATCHER:  Thank you for your evidence, Mr Buhler.  You're excused and you're free to go.

<THE WITNESS WITHDREW                                                            [3.29 PM]

***        JEFFREY EDWARD BUHLER                                                                                                     XXN MS HOGG


VICE PRESIDENT HATCHER:  Can I confirm that we have now received all of the evidence which every party wishes to adduce?  Yes, all right.  So, the arrangements are that we will receive oral submissions on, I think, Monday and Tuesday of next week at this stage.  Can I again confirm what was discussed at the directions hearing, that is the submissions and any party who has a strong or different view can tell us now.  The submissions will deal with the issues sequentially in the order that they appear in the issues document.  That is, for example, issue 1 concerns the allowances issue and we'll hear all parties about that issue before then turning to issue 2.  Is that the understanding of all parties?  No one has a different view?  Mr Schmitke, have you got any further in terms of giving greater precision about your alternative positions with respect to various matters?  That is, it is possible, for example, that even if you just hand it up on Monday, have a draft determination varying the award which reflects the alternative position so we have a better understanding.


MR SCHMITKE:  Yes, there is.  I recall one example in our submission along those lines, but I'm happy to provide additional draft determinations, yes.


VICE PRESIDENT HATCHER:  Yes, that sets out the completion variation that you would seek depending upon which submission, if any, was adopted.


MR SCHMITKE:  Yes, yes.


VICE PRESIDENT HATCHER:  All right.  Is there any other procedural matters that we can deal with now?


MS HOGG:  Your Honour, could I clarify, are you expecting submissions just be on Monday and Tuesday, finishing on Tuesday?


VICE PRESIDENT HATCHER:  We haven't vacated any dates yet, so, effectively speaking, we have still got Monday to Thursday.


MS HOGG:  Yes.


VICE PRESIDENT HATCHER:  I'd be surprised if it goes beyond Tuesday, but the additional time is there if it's needed.


MS HOGG:  Thank you.


VICE PRESIDENT HATCHER:  Does any party anticipate we will need beyond Tuesday?


MR CRAWFORD:  It's hard to know, your Honour, because particularly in relation to this allowances issue, I have looked at exhibit 8 and exhibit 9 and a difficulty arises and it relates to the question you asked just a moment ago as to the alternative submissions and the first one being deleting the work health and safety component.  Until we know what it is, I mean, to be quite frank, the MBA's own witness on this issue said they weren't work health and safety provisions in the end, I think in relation to an answer to at least Deputy President Hamilton, and it hasn't been identified to use in relation to all these allowances and special rates which form the vast bulk of exhibit 9.  What is the work health and safety component?  It makes it very difficult to deal with other than to go through each allowance and, in effect, argue a negative about there being no work health and safety component.  But one has to go - - -


VICE PRESIDENT HATCHER:  The directions did say that the parties seeking change had to file draft determinations at the identified dates.




VICE PRESIDENT HATCHER:  But you didn't actually do that.


MR SCHMITKE:  Yes, well, there are some that have been attached to our submissions, but what I would say is that the parties at the Bar table have been discussing this issue in conferences for a fairly long period of time.  The concept in terms of what it is, Master Builders has been put forward, isn't necessarily something which is new between the parties.


VICE PRESIDENT HATCHER:  I don't care what has been discussed in conferences.  Can you file draft determinations setting out the variations you seek by midday on Friday?


MR SCHMITKE:  I will do my best.


VICE PRESIDENT HATCHER:  Because I think if, for example, even on the primary claim, the parties need to know which allowances you are proposing to be abolished.


MR SCHMITKE:  Yes, well, your Honour, that is the purpose of that document, exhibit 8, but that is the purpose of that document, exhibit 8, was to set it out for the parties so they knew exactly which.


VICE PRESIDENT HATCHER:  Sorry, the purpose of which document?


MR SCHMITKE:  Exhibit 8.  I think it was exhibit 8, the new document.




MR CRAWFORD:  I think it's exhibit 9 and I accept that the primary position is set out there which is basically to get rid of all allowances and special rates.  So, with very few exceptions, it's the alternative provisions that give rise to the problem and the first being an alternative - - -


VICE PRESIDENT HATCHER:  I don't want to start having to cross-reference documents.  You know what a draft determination is.


MR SCHMITKE:  Yes, yes.  No, exactly right, your Honour, and I'm very happy to.


VICE PRESIDENT HATCHER:  Can you provide draft determinations by 12 o'clock on Friday?


MR SCHMITKE:  If it could be 4 o'clock on Friday, I would appreciate it.


VICE PRESIDENT HATCHER:  The parties are entitled to see them without having to work all weekend.  There was a directions made at the commencement of the case that the parties were required to file draft determinations setting out their case.




VICE PRESIDENT HATCHER:  Your client still hasn't done that.


MR SCHMITKE:  I will seek to file them (indistinct).


VICE PRESIDENT HATCHER:  Thank you.  Any other procedural issue we can deal with?  No, all right.  We will now adjourn and we will resume at 10 am, next Monday morning.

ADJOURNED UNTIL MONDAY, 10 APRIL 2017                           [3.35 PM]



ROBERT WILSON, AFFIRMED..................................................................... PN1792

EXAMINATION-IN-CHIEF BY MR SCHMITKE........................................ PN1792

EXHIBIT #32 WITNESS STATEMENT OF ROBERT WILSON DATED 09/12/2016............................................................................................................................... PN1800

CROSS-EXAMINATION BY MR MAXWELL............................................. PN1802

THE WITNESS WITHDREW.......................................................................... PN1842

CAMERON BENEDICT SPENCE, AFFIRMED.......................................... PN1857

EXAMINATION-IN-CHIEF BY MR SCHMITKE........................................ PN1857

EXHIBIT #33 STATEMENT OF CAMERON BENEDICT SPENCE DATED 09/12/2016................................................................................................................................ PN1862

CROSS-EXAMINATION BY MR MAXWELL............................................. PN1864

EXHIBIT #34 2017 ACT RDO CALENDAR.................................................. PN1922

RE-EXAMINATION BY MR SCHMITKE.................................................... PN2059

THE WITNESS WITHDREW.......................................................................... PN2124

GRAHAM PALLOT, AFFIRMED................................................................... PN2136

EXAMINATION-IN-CHIEF BY MR MAXWELL........................................ PN2136

EXHIBIT #35 WITNESS STATEMENT OF GRAHAM PALLOT DATED 07/12/2016............................................................................................................................... PN2145

CROSS-EXAMINATION BY MS PAUL........................................................ PN2193

RE-EXAMINATION BY MR MAXWELL..................................................... PN2241

THE WITNESS WITHDREW.......................................................................... PN2250

PAUL FERREIRA, AFFIRMED...................................................................... PN2257

EXAMINATION-IN-CHIEF BY MR MAXWELL........................................ PN2257

EXHIBIT #36 WITNESS STATEMENT OF PAUL FERREIRA DATED 02/12/2016............................................................................................................................... PN2265

CROSS-EXAMINATION BY MS PAUL........................................................ PN2301

THE WITNESS WITHDREW.......................................................................... PN2318

KRISTOPHER JAMES WOODWARD, AFFIRMED................................... PN2327


EXHIBIT #37 WITNESS STATEMENT OF KRIS WOODWARD DATED 02/12/2016............................................................................................................................... PN2331

CROSS-EXAMINATION BY MS PAUL........................................................ PN2368

THE WITNESS WITHDREW.......................................................................... PN2390

PETER VIVIAN JAMES GLOVER, SWORN............................................... PN2397

EXAMINATION-IN-CHIEF BY MR SCHMITKE........................................ PN2397

EXHIBIT #38 STATEMENT OF PETER VIVIAN JAMES GLOVER DATED 09/12/2016............................................................................................................................... PN2403

CROSS-EXAMINATION BY MR MAXWELL............................................. PN2406

EXHIBIT #39 AUSTROADS CONGESTION AND RELIABILITY REVIEW SUMMARY............................................................................................................................... PN2520

EXHIBIT #40 NATIONAL JOINERY AND BUILDING TRADES PRODUCTS AWARD 2002............................................................................................................................... PN2547

THE WITNESS WITHDREW.......................................................................... PN2551

GEOFFREY LEE MULLER, AFFIRMED.................................................... PN2554

EXAMINATION-IN-CHIEF BY MR CRAWFORD..................................... PN2554


CROSS-EXAMINATION BY MS HOGG....................................................... PN2569

THE WITNESS WITHDREW.......................................................................... PN2624

ANTHONY CALLINAN, AFFIRMED............................................................ PN2627

EXAMINATION-IN-CHIEF BY MR CRAWFORD..................................... PN2627


CROSS-EXAMINATION BY MS HOGG....................................................... PN2637

THE WITNESS WITHDREW.......................................................................... PN2697

JEFFREY EDWARD BUHLER, AFFIRMED............................................... PN2699

EXAMINATION-IN-CHIEF BY MR CRAWFORD..................................... PN2699


CROSS-EXAMINATION BY MS HOGG....................................................... PN2708

THE WITNESS WITHDREW.......................................................................... PN2725